Wine wholesale and retail platform combining cloud warehouse + winery

With the improvement and maturity of supporting facilities such as logistics and warehousing, the online and offline combination mode of the wine industry has become clearer and more mature. More and more wine companies have begun to deploy wine wholesale and retail platforms. Compared with traditional wine companies and wine e-commerce, the wine wholesale and retail platform model pays more attention to the manufacturer's direct delivery itself, coordinates the whole channel and operates around the consumer experience.


Next, we will introduce a well-known wine wholesale and retail platform: Yuncang Winery, and tell you how the wine wholesale and retail platform helps wine companies link distributors and consumers, breaking the traditional deadlock.

It is understood that Yuncang Winery is a wine wholesale and retail platform, which is a combination of Yuncang + winery. It takes the traditional wine business online, provides online stores and cloud warehouse delivery according to the traditional business method, and operates a variety of products. Alcohol products, deep cultivation of supply chain support and services, is a member unit of China Alcoholic Drinks Association.


According to Yuncang Winery, the wine wholesale and retail platform can not only better manage the supply chain, realize authentic product protection, data integration and analysis, but also the brand traffic reservoir can also coordinate the whole pipeline. The details are as follows:

In terms of the supply chain, the wine wholesale and retail platform can more efficiently connect Yuncang Winery with distributors, allowing consumers to contact their distributors or Yuncang Winery headquarters more quickly. Customers can purchase offline in the traditional way, or purchase online from their own suppliers. They can pick up goods in batches or ship them one by one from the warehouse according to the order. When customers purchase products offline, the physical store is the supplier. Customers purchase through the online mall, and the supplier information will be clearly marked on the homepage, product page, and personal center of the mall. No matter online or offline, the payment paid by the customer for the purchase of the product will be paid to his own supplier, delivery, service , The invoice is also carried out by the supplier, so that the traditional wine sales business is moved online.


In terms of authenticity protection, in order to allow consumers to easily buy high-quality products, Yuncang Winery has continuously upgraded its logistics and warehousing. Problems such as difficulty in screening, poor quality, and many fakes brought about by the industry make every consumer feel at ease when buying. Use the wine wholesale and retail platform of Yuncang Winery to trace the sales path of products in the whole pipeline to ensure authenticity and traceability.


In terms of data integration and analysis, with the wine wholesale and retail platform, Yuncang Winery can integrate and analyze online, offline, and external internal data at any time in daily life, accurately grasp consumer preferences and trends, and assist in product, market, and sales work.

In terms of brand traffic reservoir, in order to increase end consumers, Yuncang Winery plans to increase the layout of offline physical stores and obtain traffic from major online external platforms, and convert it into brand traffic to build a brand traffic pool. Through the wine wholesale and retail platform of Yuncang Chateau, it is convenient for consumers to browse the dynamics of Yuncang Chateau and improve the marketing effect of products.

In terms of full-channel collaboration, the wine wholesale and retail platform can successfully combine online and offline, expand the contact surface between brands and consumers and face consumers directly, have strong direct interaction with consumers, and strengthen personalization Consumer experience leads brand reputation.


Yuncang Winery caters to the development of the society, realizes part of the business with Internet technology, moves the offline face-to-face sales of the traditional sales business to online, saves multiple transportations, and sends consumers directly from the warehouse according to the order, advocating small profits but quick turnover and improving efficiency , reduce costs, pursue sustained and stable sales, and improve dealer and customer satisfaction.