Advocating long-termism, the importance of sustainable development of Yuncang Winery

Yuncang Winery has always believed that building a strong brand can bring a competitive advantage to the company. Brands can give higher value to products or services, increase customer loyalty, and make enterprises more competitive in the market, further realizing the sustainable development strategy of enterprises.

It is reported that Yuncang Winery owns several brands, including LEESON, Bold & Generous, HOMANLISM and FENDI CLUB beer. The products operated by Yuncang Winery are brands with their own trademarks or authorized by the trademark owner. They have trademark registration certificates and all products have Chinese back labels. Currently, they do not operate other brands and do not sell products of other brands.


Yuncang Winery is a company that advocates long-termism, that is, in the process of pursuing self-survival and sustainable development, it must not only consider the realization of business objectives and improve the company's market position, but also maintain the company's leading competition. In the business environment of field and future expansion, we will always maintain continuous profit growth and improvement of capabilities, ensuring that the company will continue to prosper for a long time.

It can be said that the sustainable development of enterprises should not only consider the needs of current development, but also consider the needs of future development. It cannot be exchanged for the current development and meet the current interests at the expense of the interests of the later period. At the same time, sustainable development also includes a concept of development that continues to maintain the development trend in the face of unpredictable environmental shocks.


Over the years, Yuncang Winery has survived the difficult epidemic period and still stands, relying on the belief in sustainable development of the enterprise. For enterprises, Yuncang Chateau improves the company's system through continuous optimization, and tries to meet internal needs as much as possible; for brands, Yuncang Chateau improves brand competitiveness through professional market research, and strives to achieve Rationalized marketing of the brand; for dealers, Yuncang Chateau provides high-quality training to enable dealers to better face the market; for consumers, Yuncang Chateau enhances consumer confidence by strengthening quality control.


The sustainable development of an enterprise is a long process that needs to be considered in all aspects. The leadership policy of the enterprise, the quality of employees, and the cooperation of the brand are all indispensable. No enterprise has been smooth sailing since its inception. It has been accumulated through wind and rain, step by step.

Yuncang Winery knows that strengthening its own strength begins with improving its internal capabilities; Yuncang Winery knows that laying a solid brand barrier is the basis for entering the market competition; Purchasing is the way of sustainable survival; Yuncang Winery knows better that only dealers who serve well will promote products in the market. Consumers and dealers will grasp and make judgments. In order to better realize the sustainable development of the enterprise, Yuncang Winery has been making various efforts to achieve it.