The Values of Yuncang Winery

Concept: Online traditional business, wholesale price of brand wine

Mission: Make wine more affordable and start a business easier

Vision: To become the preferred supplier of wine lovers

Values: Adhere to good quality, pursue cost performance, and win-win with the world


The concept of Yuncang Winery: Online traditional business, wholesale price of brand wine

By moving the traditional red wine sales business to the Internet, while supporting the traditional way of opening stores offline, each distributor is provided with its own online mall, so that the distributors can sell products online, which supports both offline business and Purchase online. The goods can be picked up in batches or delivered one by one by the warehouse according to the order. When customers purchase products offline, the physical store is the supplier. Customers purchase through the online mall, and the supplier information will be clearly marked on the mall homepage, product page, and personal center , no matter online or offline, customers pay for the products they purchase to their own suppliers, and the delivery, service, and invoices are also carried out by suppliers, thus moving the traditional wine sales business online.

In view of the large variety of wines and brands, Yuncang Winery chose Lei Sheng red wine from Wanhao Wine Industry, as well as Haomai Baijiu, Sapai Red Wine, and FENDI CLUB Beer, and worked with suppliers to build product brands and influence, and put the products on CCTV, Satellite TV, magazines, the Internet, etc. carry out multi-directional promotion, with the purpose of making the product a brand recognized by dealers. For the sales of products, Yuncang Winery sells at wholesale prices in the form of full boxes, and sends them directly to end consumers or stores according to the dealer's order information warehouse, reducing multiple transportation, small profits but quick turnover, and the establishment of the pursuit of long-term and stable repurchase by customers. The operation system realizes the "wholesale price of brand wine" for customers of Yuncang winery.


The mission of Yuncang Winery: to make wine more affordable and easier to start a business

Yuncang Winery optimizes the supply chain and improves the supplier selection, auxiliary materials, and logistics system. The purpose is to make the price of wine more affordable. The taste and understanding are different, but the price of red wine of the same quality should be as low as possible, so that consumers can enjoy preferential prices when buying red wine of the same quality or grade. Therefore, the basic wine of Yuncang Winery may not be packaged well enough. , and there is no luxurious outer box, if you want to give a gift, it is recommended to buy the gift box separately, or buy the product in a gift box.

Any customer can register for free and purchase products at the price of wine friends in the Yuncang Winery Mall. If you purchase the owner’s package, you can become a store-level distributor, purchase products at a lower wholesale price, and you can also have your own online store. (It is necessary to register an independent merchant account with a licensed third-party payment company), we advocate, just like a part-time online car-hailing driver or a part-time food delivery boy, to give shopkeepers a service that can be used as a sideline, for entrepreneurs to sell goods offline or Selling goods online provides one-piece shipping at wholesale prices, making it easier to start a business.


Vision of Yuncang Winery: To become the preferred supplier of wine lovers

All efforts are made to make consumers think of us first when they need to buy products. "First choice" is not the only one, but they can think of us first, or we can be ranked first in the order. This is our vision , we know that it is not easy to achieve this, so we cherish every contact with consumers and try our best to satisfy consumers;

In this competitive world, sometimes hard work is all it takes. Any small negligence or poor service may lose a customer. Letting consumers think of us when they buy products has become the vision of our entire team. , It is this vision that allows us to continue to improve and progress.


Values of Yuncang Winery: Adhere to good quality, pursue cost-effectiveness, and win-win with the world

What is good quality? Some people think it’s expensive, some people think it’s unique, and we think it’s good if you like it. Because there are many wine-producing regions and varieties, and each has its own favorites. Yuncang Winery’s wines at the same price In terms of selection, through blind tasting, we will try our best to choose products that are suitable for the taste of the public, so as to meet the "good quality" in the selection of customers at this price;

What is cost-effectiveness means that the same price is more worth buying, instead of comparing prices with high-end wines and low-end wines, and comparing tastes with low-end wines and high-end wines, which is inherently contradictory. Standing out at the same price can make consumers feel It is worth buying, this is the cost performance;

What is a win-win situation with the world? Yuncang Winery has a win-win situation with end consumers, distributors, wine suppliers, and other partners. It must not only serve consumers well, but also serve distributors well. To establish a long-term and stable relationship with suppliers, as well as partners in design, IT technology, media, and cloud warehouse services, we know that an enterprise's ecosystem is more important. If an enterprise wants to survive and develop, it must cooperate with all parties There is a win-win way.


Yuncang Winery’s “Not Advocating”

1) Do not advocate hoarding: dealers are advised not to hoard, products that have been exhibited and tasted can be sold, and only after selling the goods can be purchased or entrusted to Yuncang Winery to deliver, so as not to take up funds.

2) Investment is not advocated: Yuncang Winery often says "If you can invest or not invest, if you can afford not to spend money, don't spend money". For distributors who are just starting out, don't invest in opening a store at the beginning, start as a sideline business, and use cooperation as much as possible Find a suitable place to sell wine and try to see if you are suitable, and then open a store after the business develops. After all, the money you can save is profit.

3) Do not advocate huge profits: Yuncang Winery advocates long-termism, advocates earning less to sell for a long time, and pursues customer repurchase rate. It believes that the best way is not to care about how much a single order earns, but to pursue customers who want to buy wine. you.