Yuncang Winery participated in the 2023 Australia-China Expo in Melbourne

On September 15, 2023, the Yuncang Winery team participated in the 2023 Australia-China Expo in Melbourne, Australia. At the exhibition site, Yuncang Winery displayed a variety of heroic liquors from Maotai Town in China, FENDI CLUB beer produced in Shandong, China, Australian LEESON wine, non-alcoholic grape juice and other products, and communicated with guests at the exhibition site.

image.pngThe Australia-China Expo was co-sponsored by private business people and commercial institutions between Australia and China in 2018, and was chaired by Mr. Andrew Robb, the former Australian Trade Minister. Zeng Jianhua, Acting Consul General of the Chinese Consulate in Melbourne, sent a congratulatory letter to this event. The conference was jointly organized by the Expo Organizing Committee, the Australia-China Business Council and the Australia-China General Chamber of Commerce Melbourne Branch, and received strong support from the Australian federal government, state governments, and the Australian Office of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.


(Mr. Andrew Robb, former Australian Trade Minister and Chairman of the Australia-China Expo, delivered a speech)


(Congratulatory letter from Mr. Zeng Jianhua, Acting Consul General of the Chinese Consulate in Melbourne)


This exhibition attracted more than 200 well-known Australian and Chinese high-end corporate brands to participate, including thousands of products and services in categories such as alcohol, food, real estate, finance, e-commerce, tourism, education, immigration, green energy, etc. Yuncang Winery is participating in the exhibition as a comprehensive service exhibitor for the Chinese wine industry. The Yuncang Winery participating in the 2023 Australia-China Expo includes the founder of Yuncang Winery, Jing Tao, the president of Yuncang Winery, Guo Dongwei, and the person in charge of the supply chain of Yuncang Winery. Suo Fengchao, Wei Qian, head of financial administration of Yuncang Winery, and Jing Fang, chief sommelier of Yuncang Winery.


LEESON Red Wine, the main red wine brand of Yuncang Winery, originated from Australia. Yuncang Winery cooperated with Australian LEESON PTY LTD to serve this event. Ms. Shi Yuehong, general manager of Australian LEESON PTY LTD, participated in this exhibition. Connect with local wineries that supply Australian wine and non-alcoholic grape juice, as well as Australian supermarket resources that can sell Chinese liquor in Australia.


Yuncang Winery is a comprehensive liquor sales, service, and operation platform. Currently, it has 200 kinds of liquor products, covering wine, liquor, beer, and foreign wine. The main purpose of participating in this exhibition is to bring China’s Haomai liquor and FENDI CLUB beer to Australia is looking for sales possibilities. At the same time, Australia is selecting wines to sell to the Hong Kong market, and selecting suitable non-alcoholic grape juice to supply to the Chinese mainland market. Products from different regions have different characteristics. China-Australia bilateral trade has many complementarities and needs, which provides Chinese and Australian products are finding sales possibilities in more areas, which to a certain extent promotes the growth and optimization of bilateral trade.


The 2023 Australia-China Expo has built a powerful high-end comprehensive platform with three major sections: exhibitions, forums, and exchanges. It brings together business and trade, exchanges, promotes cooperation and friendship, and puts forward the slogan of "cheering for the promotion of bilateral economic and trade, and spreading glory and glory for the prosperity of the Australian and Chinese economies". This Yuncang Winery's participation in the exhibition attracted many Australian dealers and partners to visit. It is reported that during the exhibition, the participating team of Yuncang Winery will visit local liquor sales dealers to discuss the possibility of selling Haomai liquor to Australia. After the exhibition, they will also visit a number of local wineries to select Australian products. and negotiate.

Yuncang Winery's trip to Australia was provided by Yueyang Overseas. As a professional platform with many years of experience in Sino-Australian exchanges, Yueyang Overseas provided professional services for Yuncang Winery's itinerary arrangement, booth layout, exhibit transportation, etc. After the recommendation of Yueyang Overseas, LEESON red wine was selected for the golf-themed event banquet of the 2023 Australia-China Expo. Mr. Pan Shu from Yueyang Overseas greatly praised the Leison brand and said that he recommends Leison red wine in Australia. It strongly supports the local sales of the Lei Sheng brand in Australia. At the same time, it invites more products from Yuncang Winery to try to develop the Australian market. Combining the existing resources of Australia's Lei Sheng provides new ideas for Yuncang Winery's overseas expansion.

China and Australia both belong to the Asia-Pacific, with frequent bilateral trade and various cooperation. The 2023 Australia-China Expo will promote the development of trade between China and Australia. I wish this exhibition a complete success.