LEESON wine taster tells you that there are good wines in both single brew and blended wine

In the vast world of wine, there are single wines with distinctive personality and blended wines with various styles. Many people have such doubts in their hearts. When choosing a wine, it is better to choose a single grape or a blend. Woolen cloth?

Single-vintage wine, as the name suggests, is a wine made from almost only one grape variety. When wine was first created, because there were not many grape varieties in a small area, and the grafting technology had not yet appeared, only single-variety wine could be produced. Blended wine generally uses more than two grape varieties to make wine. The blended wine can be made with grapes from different production areas, or wines from different years can be blended together as a blended wine. There are two main reasons for the birth of blended wine: one is to mix varieties with different elements such as taste, quality and sourness, which can learn from each other to obtain wines with better quality and more complex taste levels; The picking time and harvesting conditions in the same year are different, and the climate change in the picking month may affect the quality of the grapes. In order to avoid the impact of a single grape variety on the quality and yield due to a bad year, blending can help the winery reduce this loss to a relatively low level. Low.


It is understood that LEESON wine adopts a full range of overall brand form of multi-country procurement, multiple wine varieties, and multiple price ranges, so that LEESON (LEESON) wine can meet a variety of different consumption scenarios; "Rational wine" is still a high-end wine, providing consumers with choices at different prices; and based on multi-supplier purchases in different countries, it also provides consumers with blended dry red, single grape variety dry red, dry white, sweet white, Brandy and other wines with various tastes and flavors are extremely perfect in terms of richness. The LEESON wine taster tells you that there are good wines in both single brew and blended wine.


There is no difference between single brewing and blending, but whether the winemaking technology suits your taste. Most wine regions today produce both single-varietal and blended wines, each with its own merits. Single wine can best reflect the flavor of a grape itself, and its typical characteristics can be identified through simple tasting; while blended wine combines the characteristics of different grapes, and its rich layers can only be felt after careful tasting. In fact, whether it is single brewing or blending, the use of the two winemaking methods is to produce a more perfect wine, so as to meet the taste and preferences of different drinkers. As for which of the two wines is better, there is no absolute Answer. As long as it suits the needs and tastes of the drinker, it is good.


All in all, a single grape more purely reflects the taste of the grape itself, with the influence of external factors such as oak barrels at most, but not much. And mixed varieties can use different grapes to influence each other, learn from each other to adjust the taste of a wine, both have their own characteristics!

LEESON wine has many grades, many production areas, and many wineries, it is difficult to judge and identify various prices. LEESON red wine is classified according to different product labels, and each wine is clearly marked with a number label or a letter + number. "Numbered wine grading", by numbers, the price starting with 1 is low, and the price starting with 9 is high, divided into 8 price ranges by number. Classify products and recommend usage scenarios, so that consumers can easily identify wines of different prices when purchasing. So when you want to open a bottle of LEESON wine, you might as well put aside the boundaries of single-brew and blended wine, and savor the joy that wine brings us with your heart.