LEESON wine brand marketing is characterized by specialization

the culture of wine has changed from popularization to specialization . Consumers have a deeper understanding of wine, so they need better wine products and more professional services. At present, more and more wine companies have realized the importance of wine specialization, which is often manifested in the marketing process, through efforts to build a brand orientation , to influence and guide consumer behavior from the core of the brand . How to do a good job in brand marketing and how to successfully reach every consumer with professional wine services requires multi-faceted consideration of the brand.


First, locate consumers and expand the market

To sell wine well, targeting consumers is a crucial step. In general, to do a good job in consumer positioning, we must accurately locate the consumer group of red wine in advance to improve our product and service quality, and at the same time cultivate loyal customers who like our brand, so as to achieve the desired effect.

It is understood that LEESON wine is the main wine brand of Guangzhou Wanhao Wine Co., Ltd., which is operated by Yuncang Winery in the whole country . LEESON) wines can meet a variety of different consumption scenarios; from entry-level affordable wines, "ration wines" for drinkers, to high-end wines, providing consumers with choices at different prices; and based on multi-supplier procurement in different countries , and provide consumers with blended dry red, single grape variety dry red , dry white, sweet white, brandy and other wines with various tastes and flavors . Consumers with different needs.


Second, have high-quality wine products

Having high-quality products is an important part of how to do a good job in wine sales, and high-quality wine products are the key to doing a good job in wine sales. If you want to have high-quality red wine, it is recommended to choose an authentic wine brand, join the agency or wholesale. It should be noted that when choosing a wine brand, you must conduct on-site inspections, try wine products, and negotiate prices.

In terms of the supply price of LEESON wine, we strive to ensure that the entry-level wines are not bad, the special wines are good, and the high-end wines are not expensive. Because there are multiple price ranges, we cannot use low-priced wines and high-priced wines in terms of taste ratio, nor can we use high-priced wines . Comparing with low-priced wines, but pursuing the cost-effectiveness of this wine in each price range, and pursuing each wine to make consumers feel that it is worth the money


Third, promote the characteristics of red wine

To say how to do a good job in the sales of red wine, the key to sales is to promote the characteristics of red wine. In order to promote it to a broad market, consumers must understand the characteristics of red wine. After all, few people will come into contact with things they don't understand . There are many kinds of wine, which will bring troubles to consumers' choices .

LEESON Wine uses experience and professional wine knowledge to help consumers subdivide various wines, so that the selection of wines is clear at a glance and will no longer be dazzled. Because there are many grades, many production areas, and many wineries, it is difficult to determine and identify various price points. LEESON red wine is classified according to different product labels, and each wine is clearly marked with a number label or a letter + number. "Red wine grading", numbered by numbers, the price starts with 1 is low, and the price starts with 9, the price is high, divided into 8 price ranges by number. Classify products and recommend usage scenarios, so that consumers can easily identify wines of different prices when purchasing.


Fourth, do a good job in product marketing

If you want to sell red wine, you must do a good job in the marketing of red wine. The LEESON (LEESON) brand wine series has the honor to invite the famous director Mr. Zhang Jizhong as the brand spokesperson. In addition, LEESON (LEESON) brand series of wines also have advertisements , including : 1) multiple channels of CCTV and multiple channels of satellite TV; 2) "Wine", "Chinese Wine", "Business World" and "Manager" Published in dozens of magazines such as "Travel World" and "Gourmet"; 3) Large-screen broadcasts in shopping malls in multiple cities; 4) Internet multi-platform self-media matrix release; normalized advertising in different ways.


Guide consumption, blind tasting wine selection

If you want to sell red wine well, you must guide consumption. LEESON wine is aimed at a wide variety of red wines from different production areas. LEESON red wine gives consumers the right to choose. Consumers like products with high repurchase rates.

The wine industry has emerged as the times require. It is no longer simply producing and selling wine. It is more about integrating professional services into wine marketing . In the process of pleasant communication and wine tasting, wine has been well spread through the crowd. , The income will follow . Today, the sale of wine is not just about selling, but the professionalization of wine brand should be integrated into it, which will play a key role in the marketing of wine .