The direction of FENDI CLUB beer consumption is gradually moving from a "small circle" to

The direction of FENDI CLUB beer consumption is gradually moving from a "small circle" to

According to reports, FENDI CLUB opens up a new social and cultural scene for young people and surro...

Yuncang winery FENDI CLUB craft beer with its own niche genes is becoming popular

Yuncang winery FENDI CLUB craft beer with its own niche genes is becoming popular

In recent years, craft beer has become a hot topic in the beer industry. From the perspective of the...

How Yuncang Winery FENDI CLUB upgrades western restaurants and night snacks

How Yuncang Winery FENDI CLUB upgrades western restaurants and night snacks

The western restaurant with wine and wine luminous glasses used to pay more attention to the selecti...

Yuncang winery FENDI CLUB beer fashion packaging design, word of mouth unique taste

Yuncang winery FENDI CLUB beer fashion packaging design, word of mouth unique taste

In recent years, in the consumer field of the beer industry, craft beer can be said to be a hot exis...

Yuncang winery FENDI CLUB beer sales are on the rise

Yuncang winery FENDI CLUB beer sales are on the rise

It is understood that after the epidemic was lifted, the consumption scene of China's beer indus...

Yuncang Winery, the operator of FENDI CLUB, talks about: the game between industrial beer and craft

Yuncang Winery, the operator of FENDI CLUB, talks about: the game between industrial beer and craft

According to FENDI CLUB's research, my country is a big beer consumer country, and industrial be...