Yuncang winery FENDI CLUB beer shares with you how to preserve beer correctly

Friends who like beer know that craft beer is not only exquisite in tasting, but also in storage. If it is not preserved properly, the freshness and balance of the original unique craft beer will be reduced. Therefore, Yuncang Winery FENDI CLUB Beer believes that it is also necessary to learn how to preserve beer correctly.


It is reported that Hainan Yuncang Winery Co., Ltd. (referred to as Yuncang Winery) is a wine wholesale platform and a member of the China Wine Association. In addition to the FENDI CLUB beer brand, Yuncang Winery also owns three powerful brands, including LEESON, Bold & Generous and HOMANLISM.


Next, let Yuncang Winery FENDI CLUB beer share with you how to preserve beer correctly:

1. Avoid light. Exposure to the sun can make the body secrete dopamine, but beer doesn't like strong light, because the sun will cause the hops in beer to deteriorate. The role of hops in craft beer is to enhance the unique bitterness and aroma of hops, and strong ultraviolet rays will turn the aroma of hops into an unpleasant "stink". Therefore, avoiding light is the first step in beer storage.

2. Avoid heat. Beer needs to be preserved in a constant temperature or low temperature environment to ensure its quality. Because beer contains a lot of yeast and wheat protein, if the temperature is raised, the beer will produce a chemical reaction. For every 10 degrees increase in temperature, the rate of freshness loss will be accelerated. Some people have done relevant experiments. At a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, beer can be stored for 6 months. The same beer can only be stored for two months at a high temperature of 30 degrees Celsius. So, storing beer properly requires keeping the temperature in an environment of 5-10 degrees. The best drinking temperature of beer should also be below 10 degrees.


3. Shock absorber. Beer contains a large amount of carbon dioxide, just like ordinary carbonated beverages will cause gas to be ejected after shaking before opening the bottle. If the beer is in a state of shock, the pressure inside the bottle will increase and there is a risk of breaking the bottle. At the same time, after shaking the beer, the solubility of carbon dioxide in the wine will cause the taste to be much worse than before.

4. Avoid waiting. Beer pays attention to drinking immediately after opening the bottle. Not only can you experience the fresh taste, but it can also produce rich foam and the unique malt aroma of beer. If you don't kill it immediately after opening, the wine will be exposed to the air, and the gas will dissipate quickly, affecting the taste of beer. Therefore, if you want to experience the best taste of craft beer, don't let the beer wait for you, and enjoy it as soon as possible after opening the seal.