About the refreshing FENDI CLUB fashion craft beer of Yuncang Winery

With the arrival of the scorching hot summer, Yuncang Winery quickly swept the Internet with a refreshing FENDI CLUB fashion craft beer, and the "fashionable" wind of "fashionable beer, leading fashion" blows all over the streets and alleys.

It is understood that Yuncang Winery, a wine distributor platform that intends to deploy in all categories, will continue to enter the liquor market on the basis of focusing on wine operations, and then enter the beer market again, sparking heated discussions. Yuncang Winery has three major brands, including LEESON, Bold & Generous and HOMANLISM. Now it has added FENDI CLUB beer, making another step on the road of expanding the entire category. important step.


Contemporary hot topics are always linked with fashion, and fashion is a very abstract concept, involving a very wide range. And more often, fashion is an art, a trend, a style, a topic, and a mood.

Welcome to the FENDI CLUB beer world, look for summer fashion, drink FENDI CLUB beer to taste the fashion taste, and enjoy the summer with FENDI CLUB! FENDI CLUB fashion beer is a fashion that belongs to summer. From the appearance tonality, it can be seen that FENDI CLUB has chosen a more fashionable design, with the purpose of generating fashion topics between pushing cups and changing cups. FENDI CLUB craft beer, enjoy FENDI CLUB beer, enjoy a relaxed and pleasant lifestyle, and be a fashionista.


As young people's consumption upgrades and individual needs change, more and more people choose craft beer. Craft beer is more diversified in taste and taste, and due to the fine brewing process, the quality is better, so craft beer has become synonymous with high-quality beer. This feature attracts consumer groups who pursue individuality and freshness.

Today, with rich products, different market positions have different customer groups. FENDI CLUB beer is positioned to serve the fashion crowd. It is reported that FENDI CLUB beer first launched three beers, namely FENDI CLUB 701 whole wheat beer and FENDI CLUB 702 German white beer. Beer, FENDI CLUB 703 Belgian-style white beer, after the three craft beers, more fruity craft beers will be launched one after another, bringing you a better and richer "fashion taste".


With the increasing demand of consumers for high quality, individuality and freshness, craft beer has developed rapidly in the traditional wine market, and it is estimated that it will continue to maintain a high growth momentum in the future. Craft beer first originated in the United States in the 1960s when hippie culture prevailed. Although it has not developed in China for a long time, it has shown a high degree of activity in the first-tier cities and new first-tier cities. This is because craft beer satisfies consumers' pursuit of new consumption needs, such as limited production, high quality, and high appearance.

In the packaging design of craft beer, FENDI CLUB injects rich emotions and a simple and luxurious fashion style, and meets the social needs of young people through unique and personalized expressions, making FENDI CLUB beer not only a drink, but also It is a cultural and social fashion symbol.