Yuncang winery FENDI CLUB beer tells you the little knowledge about non-alcoholic beer

Does non-alcoholic beer belong to zero alcohol? Isn't such beer a drink? Seeing "no alcohol", people will immediately think of "no alcohol", so drinking such beer can rest assured against "drink driving"?


You may feel very confused about the knowledge about non-alcoholic beer. Next, I will let the FENDI CLUB beer of Yuncang Winery to popularize the knowledge of non-alcoholic beer for friends who like beer and need to drive. What is non-alcoholic beer? Non-alcoholic beer is not really alcohol-free.

It is reported that Hainan Yuncang Winery Co., Ltd. (referred to as Yuncang Winery) is a wine wholesale platform and a member of the China Wine Association. In addition to the FENDI CLUB beer brand, Yuncang Winery also owns three powerful brands, including LEESON, Bold & Generous and HOMANLISM.

Alcohol-free beer is also called de-alcohol beer, 0-alcohol beer, but it is not completely alcohol-free. According to the national standard of GB/T 4927-2008 on non-alcoholic beer, it is beer with alcohol content ≤0.5%vol and original wort concentration ≥3.0°P. There are generally two types of brewing methods, one is limited fermentation, and the other is dealcoholization. The limited fermentation method is to change the conditions or use special microorganisms in the brewing process to effectively control the production of alcohol; the dealcoholization method is to follow the natural fermentation and then remove the alcohol. Alcohol-free beer can reduce the alcohol content as much as possible while retaining the flavor of beer. The brewing raw materials of non-alcoholic beer are water, grain, yeast and hops, and the brewing method will go through fermentation, dealcoholization, dilution and simulated fermentation. During the fermentation process, alcohol is also produced, so non-alcoholic beer is not equal to non-alcoholic beverages, otherwise it cannot be called "beer".

The title of non-alcoholic beer is "non-alcoholic", but it is actually a wine with low alcohol content. If the alcohol content of ordinary beer is 3% to 5% as a reference, the alcohol-free beer is as low as 0.5%. The alcohol content was reduced to less than a tenth. Friends who want to choose non-alcoholic beer can know its alcohol content through the food label on the outer packaging of beer.


Although non-alcoholic beer has a low alcohol content, if it is excessive, it will still cause alcohol in the body's memory. In addition, the metabolism rate of alcohol in the human body varies from person to person. Even with low-alcohol beer, there is still a risk of drinking and driving.

For friends who are not very good at drinking, non-alcoholic beer can be a substitute for other alcohol on the wine table, and it can also actively participate while everyone enjoys high-alcohol alcohol. From this point of view, non-alcoholic beer is worth trying.