Yuncang Winery's approach to physical store expansion in the sinking market

With the development of the industry, market competition in first- and second-tier cities is becoming increasingly saturated. Second- and third-tier cities and rural markets have become the new blue ocean for the development of wine companies. The significance of sinking markets for brand growth is becoming more and more obvious. The layout of sinking markets And deep cultivation has gradually become the new direction of many brands.

The consumer group in the sinking market is relatively large, and the marketing strategy in the sinking market needs to be flexible and changeable. Consumers in some sinking markets have relatively limited purchase channels, mainly based on the real economy. Yuncang Winery has expanded its sales channels to gain a wider market share, encouraged dealers to open offline stores, and cooperated with local small vendors to increase sales. sales.


For consumers in sinking markets, price is a very sensitive factor. Therefore, Yuncang Winery attracts customers by letting consumers lower product prices, and adopts large-scale production and sales methods to reduce costs and improve efficiency. It has won consumers' hearts with cost-effective products and gained a wider market share. This operation can gain an advantage in a highly competitive market, through large-scale sales, and at the same time increase brand awareness and influence.

It is reported that Yuncang Winery has four major brands, including LEESON, Bold & Generous, HOMANLISM and FENDI CLUB beer. It is an online sales platform for traditional wine business , closely following the traditional business model and providing online services, is a drink platform worthy of consumers' trust. Yuncang Winery advocates the onlineization of traditional business and the wholesale price of brand wines, so that consumers can truly buy good wines with high cost performance.


While expanding stores in the sinking market, it is also very important to strengthen brand marketing. Brand awareness has become an important factor for consumers to choose. Brand planning and positioning is the first step for consumers to understand the brand. Whether the brand positioning of Yuncang Winery is accurate or not determines the marketing plan of its brands. Before doing brand marketing, you must understand your own positioning, clarify target customers, profit model and corporate advantages.

It is understood that various brands of Yuncang Winery have released new products on the media or placed advertisements on social media platforms to effectively enhance brand awareness, market new products of the brand, and accurately inform target customers. Effectively improve the effect of new brand advertising


With the popularity, we must also pay attention to the quality of the product. With the advancement of science and technology, the wine production technology is also constantly improving, and the production efficiency and product quality are continuously improved by introducing advanced production technology. Although brand promotion is very important, for consumers, the first priority is product quality. Therefore, Yuncang Winery puts the product quality marketing plan first. If the product quality is not good, it will naturally be difficult to form a brand. Quality is the premise of establishing a brand. A good brand depends on the high quality of products. Without high-quality products, it is difficult to establish a good brand image. Even if a brand image is established, it is only a flash in the pan.

For Yuncang Winery, regardless of whether it is a first- and second-tier city or a sinking market, brand awareness and high-quality products are treated equally. Yuncang Winery does not differentiate products based on regions or consumption levels. grade of quality. Let consumers buy comfortably and use it with confidence.