Look at the brand development direction of Yuncang Winery

It is understood that Yuncang Winery has never stopped establishing brand concepts, shaping brand culture, strengthening brand promotion and brand defense and protection since its establishment. From Leisheng red wine (LEESON) to HOMANLISM to FENDI CLUB beer, each brand of Yuncang Winery will establish its own unique concept, and closely revolve around this concept to carry out different brand products. Activities such as design, production and publicity.

According to Yuncang Winery, if a brand wants to generate interactive emotions, it must improve the connotation of the brand, such as shaping the brand's culture, so that the brand's values can be more easily understood and accepted by consumers. The second is the brand's marketing and publicity methods, which must leave a clear brand impression in the minds of consumers, so that consumers have a certain awareness of the brand, so that consumers can easily resonate with the brand. In the process of market competition, in order to maintain the value of the brand, it is necessary to protect the brand name, icons, slogans, etc., to avoid damage to the brand image and encroachment on the brand value.


Brand planning and positioning is the first step for consumers to understand the brand. Whether the brand positioning of Yuncang Chateau is accurate determines the marketing planning of its brands. Before doing brand marketing, you must understand your own positioning, clarify target customers, profit model and corporate advantages.

Every brand should know its own consumer group, clearly understand the marketing environment of the product and the advantages and disadvantages of the product in marketing. It needs to maximize its strengths and avoid its weaknesses in order to do a good job in sales. In order to attract customers and expand sales, attention should be paid to the product at the early stage of product design to meet the needs of customers and the market. During this process, the shortcomings and threats of the product can be discovered, so as to know what the product should avoid and how to adjust and promote it. Development, so that the customer's perceived value is improved.


In the Internet age, brand promotion and communication are inseparable. Consumers obtain information in various ways, and the channels of communication become more diverse. Yuncang Winery combines online and offline channels to pass product information to potential customers through the establishment of marketing networks and media channels, promote it to more regions and markets, establish marketing channels, and deepen consumers' memory and impression of the brand , Improve the awareness of the customer group, make more customers realize the value of the product, and promote the rapid development and growth of the brand.

In general, Yuncang Winery’s measures to develop the market for the brand include: 1. Invest more resources; 2. Improve product popularity and increase product promotion; Products are promoted to more markets.


Although brand promotion is very important, for consumers, the first priority is product quality. Therefore, Yuncang Winery puts the product quality marketing plan first. If the product quality is not good, it will naturally be difficult to form a brand. Quality is the premise of establishing a brand. A good brand depends on the high quality of products. Without high-quality products, it is difficult to establish a good brand image. Even if a brand image is established, it is only a flash in the pan.

Yuncang Winery firmly believes that quality is the backing of marketing. High-quality products give the company full confidence in marketing and are the guarantee of successful marketing. If the quality does not improve, no matter how effective marketing is, it can only open up the market in the front, lose ground in the back, expand sales in the front, and increase complaints in the back.