The party building work of the Yuncang winery party branch has a long way to go and is always on the road

Recently, the party branch of Hainan Yuncang Winery Co., Ltd. has carried out active exploration around the "problem solving" of party building work in private enterprises. Enterprise construction promotes development, effectively solving the problem of the relationship between party construction work and enterprise construction and development.


The first is to find out the accurate positioning of the party organization in the construction and development of the enterprise. It is understood that when Hainan Yuncang Winery was established, a preparatory group for the party branch of Hainan Yuncang Winery was established. Careful research and analysis have clarified that the party organization should play a political leading role and a political core role in the construction and development of enterprises. Grasp the correct political direction that private enterprises will always follow the party, and the party organization will lead enterprises to make positive contributions in the construction of a well-off society.


The second is to look for "stones from other mountains" and learn the internal skills of "attacking jade". It is a shortcut to learn the successful experience and practices of party building work in fraternal units. The Party Branch of Hainan Yuncang Winery is actively looking for partners for party building within the Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City. The Baitai Park of the Science and Technology City is an excellent park among the 11 parks. The party branch won the title of excellent party branch awarded by the Sanya Municipal Party Committee, and its advanced deeds were promoted throughout the city. The party branch of Hainan Yuncang Winery took the initiative to visit relatives and nobles, and reached the first signing unit of joint education and joint construction. Through the hands-on teaching and patient and meticulous teaching of the Party branch of Baitai Park, the level of party building work at Hainan Yuncang Winery has been improved rapidly, and the party building work has been well received by the political instructors of the Science and Technology City Administration.


The third is to use public welfare as a link to promote the healthy development of joint education and joint construction. Sanya Nanshan Cultural Tourism Scenic Spot, located in Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City, Sanya City, is a famous key 5A-level scenic spot in my country. Relying on Nanshan's unique natural shape of mountains and seas and rich historical and cultural origins, Nanshan Cultural Tourism Scenic Spot is a rare super scenic spot in the country. A large-scale ecological and cultural scenic spot, it is also the largest Buddhist cultural themed tourist area in the country since the founding of the People's Republic of China. The white garbage rushing into the south coast of the scenic spot is a problem that plagues the staff of the scenic spot. The party branch of Yuncang winery actively contacted Nanshan scenic spot to form a party building work with the first party branch, the second party branch and the third party branch of the scenic spot The pair, with "big hands holding small hands, leading the party building work", solved the problem of the small number of party members in the party branch of Yuncang Winery and the single form of party building, and regularly carried out picking up the seaside together with the three big brother party branches in the scenic spot White Garbage themed party day activities, restore the beauty of the beach, and restore the purity of the coast.

All the party members braved the 36-degree heat to carry forward the vanguard and exemplary role of the Communist Party members and the fighting fortress of the party branch. They picked up about 5 tons of white garbage successively, and received good results and were well received by tourists. The hard-working spirit of the party branch members of Hainan Yuncang Winery in public welfare activities has moved the three big brother units. The Party Branch of Yuncang Winery formed a pair and reached an agreement on joint education and joint construction of the party building work, and proposed the initiative of joint academic joint construction: "big hands hold hands with small hands, and party building leads away", which has been received by the Sanya Chamber of Commerce and commercial banks. , The positive response from the local party working committee, school, and village party organization, the joint school and joint construction unit plans to sign 15 units.


The fourth is to innovate the new form of "three meetings and one lesson", and do a good job in party building work. The party branch of Hainan Yuncang Winery transmits the voice of the party through the "micro party class", the party building WeChat group, and the party building public account, and uses remote video to impart party knowledge and party building information, effectively solving the problem of scattered party members in the enterprise, "three meetings and one lesson" "Difficulty in concentrating learning and other practical difficulties, that is, the new form of "three meetings and one lesson" was innovated, and it also solved the special situation of Hainan's corporate headquarters with multiple settlement centers, and sales and production in the mainland. It is difficult for party members to participate in the "three meetings" One Lesson" to study on the spot. It is deeply welcomed and praised by the member units and enterprise party members of the joint school and joint construction.


Fifth, promote enterprise construction with party building and promote development with enterprise construction. Hainan Yuncang Winery is a traditional company that sells wine products. On the one hand, it moves wine to online sales, and on the other hand, it sells wine in traditional ways. At present, there are 150 types of imported Leisheng red wine, more than 100 types of Maotai-flavored liquor, Luzhou-flavored liquor and Fen-flavored liquor, 50 types of craft beer, and more than 100 types of industrial beer and drinks.


Yuncang Winery regularly or irregularly organizes enterprises to promote new products online and offline on the party building, learning and joint building platform. Ratio and popularity, enhance the publicity of enterprise products, and achieve a substantial increase in sales and profits. The wine tasting of Yuncang winery series products is the beginning of the company's product promotion activities. Next, 500 types of wine products will be launched on the market, and product advertisements will be broadcast on 4 CCTV channels and more than 20 local stations to promote Enterprise sales, promote the rapid development and growth of enterprises, and promote the healthy development of enterprises!

There is a long way to go to explore the party building of private enterprises "breaking the problem", and the party building work is always on the way