Yuncang Chateau Customer Service Conference Held in Guangzhou Operation Center

Recently, the customer service personnel of Hainan Yuncang Winery Co., Ltd. held a working meeting on improving customer service satisfaction in Guangzhou Operation Center. The main products of Yuncang Winery are LEESON red wine endorsed by Zhang Jizhong, Bold & Generous red wine endorsed by Pan Meichen , There is also HOMANLISM baijiu endorsed by Wu Qihua . The core concept is: traditional business online, wholesale price of brand red wine.

Yuncang Winery is a combination of Yuncang + Winery. It makes part of the traditional wine business online, supports offline business, and can also purchase online. You can buy what you want offline and online. Who is the offline supplier and who is online? It is still a supplier, which provides Internet online services according to the traditional wine wholesale business. It can pick up goods in batches or send them one by one according to the order. The dealers do not advocate stockpiling except for wine for display, and the operation is flexible.


This meeting is an important meeting to fully implement customer service satisfaction. On the basis of summarizing the company's operation and management work, it will clarify the customer service work ideas, business objectives and key tasks in the future.

The department closely focuses on the company's predetermined goals, actively implements the work ideas of grasping service, grasping management, and grasping the team, standardizes the polite language of customer service personnel, improves customer service methods and processes, taps potential, increases revenue and reduces expenditure, and further improves the company's customer service department. Service ability, actively do a good job in back-end delivery for dealers, logistics inquiries and other services, assign responsibilities to people, and clear customer service issues on a regular basis, laying a good foundation for the company to achieve steady and healthy development.


Compared with the traditional wine business of Yuncang Winery, it provides online services such as product display, ordering, statistics, and customer management that are consistent with the offline business and online business, so as to realize the integration of online and offline sales business, and the offline physical wine for customers You can buy and pick up the goods on the spot or place an order online, and the goods will be shipped from the warehouse according to the order information, which reduces multiple transshipments and saves costs. The timely arrival of goods from the warehouse, logistics loss, damage, reissue, etc. are particularly important. Important, this is related to the satisfaction of end customers and the reputation of dealers among customers. The main tasks of customer service at Yuncang Winery headquarters are logistics, reissue of damaged goods, and inquiry of arrival status, which also requires the customer service department to work more meticulously.


The site strategy determines success or failure, and the details make it perfect. Any department should consider issues from the aspects of company development, operating efficiency, management innovation, customer satisfaction and strengthening learning. The customer service department is working hard to improve the core competitiveness of Yuncang Winery and the satisfaction of dealers. Strong motivation. Next, the customer service work of Yuncang Winery should increase customer satisfaction evaluation, link service satisfaction with income, and improve the sense of responsibility for customer service, so as to ensure that Yuncang Winery's customers are sticky and create a more Influence and modern enterprise.

"Welcome to 2023 and create a new future" - the annual strategic meeting of Yuncang Winery was held in Maotai Town

On December 29-31, 2022, the annual strategic meeting of Yuncang Winery was held in Wuxing Wine Group, Maotai Town. Deployment and discussion were carried out on various topics such as the reform of the business model, product structure adjustment, and the expansion of ground stores.


Yuncang Winery is a combination of Yuncang + winery. Cloud warehouse delivery, winery experience, completely benchmarking traditional business methods, making part of the traditional wine business online, advocating offline tasting and offline purchases, as well as offline After the order, Yuncang will deliver goods. Due to the impact of the epidemic in 2022, there will be fewer dinner parties and a corresponding reduction in alcohol consumption. The overall sales of Yuncang Winery will also be greatly affected. It will take time for consumption to recover after the epidemic is released at the end of 2022. , Yuncang Winery is optimistic about the upcoming peak consumption in 2023. This meeting made adjustments to the work plan, sales methods and product structure for the new year.


Yuncang Winery mainly sells red wine. The main brand is LEESON red wine endorsed by the famous director Zhang Jizhong . Maotai Town Wuxing Distillery and Guizhou Bayi Liquor (Group) Co., Ltd. are engaged in production.


It is understood that at this meeting, the distributors of the provincial company of Yuncang Winery visited the brewing workshops, wine storage, and packaging production lines of the two suppliers of Wuxing Winery and Bayi Wine Industry, and had talks with the founders of the two wineries. In-depth communication with the working team. The founder of Guizhou Wuxing Liquor Group, the inheritor of Maotai Town's traditional Maotai-flavored liquor brewing technology, Jiao Yongquan, "Master of Chinese Maotai-flavored Liquor Brewing", "Guizhou Qianjiu Master" and "Guizhou Baijiu Judge" is the provincial distributor of Yuncang Winery The businessman explained the brewing process of soy sauce wine, the history and concept of the five-star winery; the chairman of Guizhou Bayi Wine (Group) Co., Ltd., the three-generation inheritor of Songjia Shaofang, and the Renhuai Wine Industry Association's 2016 China Maotai-flavored Wine Excellent Enterprise Jia Song Xiansen gave a detailed explanation to the provincial distributor of Yuncang Winery on the heart of wine making and the classification of soy sauce wine.


strategic meeting of Yuncang Winery was organized by the headquarters of Yuncang Winery. The co-founders and heads of provincial distributors from all over the country participated together . I have a deep understanding of the history of the factory, the scale of the winery, etc., which is very helpful for Yuncang Winery to transform from red wine-based sales to a variety of alcohol sales platforms, although liquor sales have just begun in Yuncang Winery , but the proportion of liquor sales in wine is much larger than that of red wine, which is also the direction of Yuncang Winery's next efforts.


During the three-day meeting held in Moutai Town this time, not only the in-depth visit to the winery, the tasting of various products of HOMANLISM Maotai-flavored wine, the learning of Maotai-flavored wine brewing technology, etc., Yuncang Winery also aimed at the shortcomings of the past I made a summary, and discussed and studied the improvement of sales models such as increasing the offline delivery of local warehouses, Yuncang winery online store only for recording and logistics delivery inquiries, and formulated a marketing strategy based entirely on offline wholesale. A number of issues were discussed, such as the construction of local pick-up points in key cities, the implementation of face-to-face payment and pick-up services, and the creation of prototypes for local display and sales flagship stores.


According to the plan for 2023, Yuncang Winery will continue to enrich products and adjust business methods, build flagship display stores in key cities and promote the layout of prefecture-level cities across the country, and continue to strengthen supply chain and brand promotion. Open up a new chapter of work around "multi-category products", "multiple sales methods" and "full-service offline wholesale".