On the Key Elements of Yuncang Winery in Selecting Wine Production Areas

As the competitiveness of the liquor industry accelerates to concentrate on high-quality production areas, there is also an increasingly profound value interaction between wine and production areas. "Good mountain and good water make good wine", Yuncang Winery has been constantly improving the quality of wine, and constantly seeking cooperation and seminars with the same industry, in order to seek breakthroughs in technology and craftsmanship.

Yuncang Winery believes that it is very important to choose the production area of wine. The three major brands of Yuncang Winery, including Leisheng Red Wine (LEESON), Sapai Red Wine (Bold & Generous) and Haomai Baijiu (HOMANLISM), respectively use The brand decision-making strategy for different categories aims to meet the differentiated needs of different market segments with multiple categories, which is conducive to meeting the different consumption needs of consumers and helping to occupy more market segments.


Yuncang Winery is very particular about the standards for selecting baijiu production areas. Among them, Haomai Baijiu is a brand that uses ingenuity to brew pure Maotai-flavored wine. It is produced in Maotai Town, Guizhou Province, a sacred place. It is understood that Maotai Town has unique environmental factors such as terroir, climate, raw materials and microorganisms that cannot be replicated. The inherent advantages of special flavor, high quality and scarce resources are the fundamental foundation of the brand in winemaking. So what elements should a high-quality production area have?

One is to have superior natural endowments:

It has unique regional wine-making ecological resources that cannot be copied. "Water, soil, air, and life" are the basic elements of the regional ecological concept of winemaking. That is to say, in the production area, there must be pure water sources suitable for brewing top wines, organic and harmless high-quality soil, mild and humid climate conditions, and suitable for winemaking. The ecological environment in which microbial communities grow. Winemaking technology not only needs to include the best raw materials and processes, but more importantly, the appropriate microbiota in winemaking.

Second, the industrial base is solid:

To have the ability to lead the high-quality development of China's wine industry and the potential to explore the international wine market requires a high-level industrial chain that can link the whole country. Strong extensibility, the overall scale and efficiency of the industry maintain a leading position in the country, and at the same time, it should have production factors that have an advantageous position in the country, such as long-standing and well-established exquisite skills, sufficient professional talent reserves, and a large number of high-quality raw grain production bases, etc. .


The third is profound cultural heritage:

Possess the soil and environment for the sustainable inheritance and innovative development of wine culture. A production area with profound cultural background, huge cultural tension, and a unique way of cultural transmission and continuation, on the one hand, can continuously and intensively embody and inherit the essence of traditional excellent culture such as folk culture and regional culture in material carriers such as wine Medium; on the other hand, he is good at keeping upright and innovating, transforming the original culture and the spirit of the times to form a cultural chain that supports and integrates with each other into a cultural IP that is easy to realize its value through commercial operations, empowering the value of wine brands to increase, occupying commodity High end of the value chain.

Fourth, the location advantages are obvious:

Possess a superior investment and business environment. Production areas with comprehensive resource advantages such as policy advantages, transportation advantages, talent and labor advantages, and consumer market advantages have strong inter-regional resource allocation capabilities and market factor liquidity. Investors invest in the wine industry with low transaction costs and relatively low capital investment large value-added space


Obviously, the production area now represents not only a regional concept, but a complex of production area value, culture, history, and economy that can be seen and explained. It has not only deep economic value, but also a wider Humanistic value also represents the direction of the industry, and the production area has reached the point where it has to be taken seriously. At present, Haomai Baijiu is actively contacting manufacturers of strong-flavored and light-flavored liquors. In the future, it is not ruled out to launch a series of multi-flavored liquors based on the same brand to meet consumers' different tastes and consumption needs.

On the whole, the current liquor production areas have formed a state of "a hundred schools of thought contending" and "a hundred flowers blooming", and have explored their own sustainable and high-quality development directions. In the future, with the further exploration of the advantages of each production area and the conclusion of wider and deeper cooperation, liquor production areas will also usher in more possibilities.