Cross the "Gap" and "Empathize" with Yuncang Winery Haomai Baijiu

In the past, the post-90s and post-95s who did not like to drink baijiu always used labels such as "father's generation", "unfashionable" and "spicy taste" to describe baijiu. There are wine, beer, foreign wine, and fruit wine, etc., but there is no baijiu. At that time, they all said, "Baijiu for parties is already the standard for fathers. It is a bit old-fashioned to choose baijiu for parties after 90 and 95." Not to mention that baijiu has a spicy taste and is particularly easy to drink.” From this point of view, baijiu seems to be “kicked” out of the drinking game by this group of people in the 21st century. But this is not the case. Nowadays, the post-90s and post-95s are gradually becoming the main consumers in the wine market. Whether it is the number of consumers or the per capita consumption level, post-90s and post-95s are showing a continuous growth trend, and the per capita consumption growth rate of post-95s has increased the most quick. Is this a generational "gap"?


Right now, in the view of Yuncang Winery, baijiu may need an "opportunity" to integrate into this group of post-90s and post-95s, and it seems that it is only a matter of time before this group of people "empathize" with baijiu. It is understood that Hainan Yuncang Winery Co., Ltd. (referred to as Yuncang Winery) is a wine sales company. Yuncang Winery owns three major brands, including Leisheng Red Wine (LEESON) and Sapai Red Wine (Bold & Generous). And HOMANLISM.


After analysis, in terms of understanding of drinks, there are obvious differences between the post-90s and 95s and their parents. They each have their own personalities and standards. In terms of drinking, the parents are more inclined to pursue Liquor has a high alcohol content, a stimulating taste, and the feeling of being easy to drink; while the post-90s and 95s are more inclined to pursue quality, taste, and a little drunk.

In terms of application scenarios, the scenes where the fathers use baijiu are more traditional, solemn, and formal; the scenes where baijiu is used by the post-90s and 95s are mostly in a relaxed atmosphere such as gatherings of friends, daily meals, and relaxing drinks alone. To sum up, post-90s and post-95s are more pursuing a harmonious and free atmosphere. I like the feeling of being slightly drunk, but I don’t want to get drunk; I don’t like spicy and exciting wine, but I want good quality wine; compared with formal occasions, the relaxed atmosphere is the real demand for drinks for the post-90s and 95s.


Some people say that the age of 30 is a turning point for liquor consumption, and the age of 30 is a watershed for liquor consumption. The first batch of post-90s are now "30s", and post-95s are also on their way. And this new generation of young people will gradually become the backbone of liquor consumption in the next five to ten years. The post-90s, as the first batch of middle-aged "young people", are taking over from their fathers, becoming a potential stock of liquor consumption and a new growth point for Chinese liquor in the future.

Cross the "gap" and "empathize" with Yuncang Winery Haomai Baijiu. The style of Haomai Baijiu is famous for its outstanding sauce aroma, elegance and delicateness, full-bodied wine, and long-lasting fragrance in an empty cup. It is low but not weak, fragrant but not colorful taste.


According to the survey, several major factors that plague the consumption of liquor by post-90s and post-95s are the high price of high-quality liquor, difficulty in distinguishing authenticity, spicy taste, excessive alcohol, and dislike of wine table culture.

Haomai Baijiu, a brand of Yuncang Winery, is a brand that brews pure Maotai-flavored wine with ingenuity. At the same time, Wu Qihua, Full Stop and Lu Liangwei were invited to endorse it. Haomai Baijiu adheres to the traditional brewing process and is brewed with pure grains. It is a serialized liquor with multiple categories, multiple packages, and multiple price ranges. The initial series of Maotai-flavored wines are all produced in Maotai Town, the core production area of Maotai-flavored wine.

By moving the traditional wine sales business to the Internet, Yuncang Winery provides convenient online services such as product display, ordering, statistics, and customer management. One-time transportation, small profits but quick turnover, and the establishment of an operating system that pursues long-term and stable repurchase by customers. Yuncang Winery advocates the onlineization of traditional business, wholesale price of brand wine, so that consumers can really buy good wine with high cost performance, and is a wine platform worthy of consumers' trust.