Is Yuncang Winery's market strategy of inviting celebrities and advertising outdated?

In recent years, more and more brands have invited celebrities to endorse them. Some of them need to enhance their brand influence for brand development, and some want to sell their products better, and they also invite a celebrity to market themselves. Yuncang Winery has a number of powerful brands, including HOMANLISM Baijiu, Leisheng Red Wine and Sapai Red Wine. The promotion strategies of each brand are closely linked, and inviting multiple spokespersons and new media promotion to jointly display is one of the corporate strategies. According to reports, HOMANLISM Baijiu is the first liquor brand launched by Yuncang Winery, endorsed by three stars, Lu Liangwei, Wu Qihua, and Full Stop; Lei Sheng Red Wine is the main product of Yuncang Winery, endorsed by Zhang Jizhong; Sapai Red Wine is Yuncang Customized products of the winery, endorsed by singer Pan Meichen. So why are companies keen to invite celebrity endorsements? Is the marketing method of advertising outdated?


Different companies and even different stages of the same company have different meanings of celebrity endorsements. For example: new companies and new brands are more for brand endorsement, and gain the trust of users through the platform of people with stronger credibility; Choose celebrities who match the temperament of the product to endorse, take the lead in opening up the market among a certain group of people, and form a word of mouth, thus completing the cold start of the product. Celebrity endorsement can only maximize value if it is carefully analyzed from the standpoint of demand scenarios.


After understanding, Yuncang Winery is a company that sells wine. Its traditional business is to sell wine offline. At the same time, it supports online ordering. According to the traditional wine wholesale business, the wine sales platform provides Internet online services. Its suppliers are consistent with the traditional wine business. Compared with the traditional wine business, it provides product display, ordering, statistics, and customers consistent with the offline business and online business. Management and other online services. So what benefits can Yuncang Winery bring to the brand by inviting celebrities and advertising?

Celebrity endorsement is a common means of marketing communication to build brand image. Celebrity endorsements are impressive, but also need to combine some characteristics of the advertisement itself, such as dialogue, persuasiveness of the message and commercial songs, in order to establish a beloved brand image, and a favorite brand image can increase brand awareness and encourage attempts, etc. . The use of star effects can strengthen the effect of advertising, improve brand awareness, impress consumers, and stimulate purchase intentions.


The huge impact of celebrity effect on brand promotion cannot be ignored. The brand's exposure and spread can be driven by the reputation of the spokesperson, making the brand more well-known. Create a friendly personality and image for the brand with the image of a star, reflecting the brand connotation. When a star speaks for a brand, a real person is required. Combining a well-known image with the brand can endow the brand with a friendly, stylish, and trustworthy personality and image, and can use the image and temperament of a star to embody and beautify the connotation of the brand. It is easier for the public to transfer the goodwill and trust they have for celebrities to brands or products. In the era of "traffic is king", celebrities bring their own traffic, which can be directly converted into purchasing power. Yuncang Winery's market strategy of inviting celebrities and advertising can bring so many benefits to the brand, so how can it be outdated?

There is a reason why many dealers choose Yuncang Winery with a strong market force. Nowadays, the competition in the industry is intensifying and the market expansion needs of enterprises. Even high-quality products without market force are not recognized by consumers. The approved products need to maintain continuous dissemination in different dimensions to continuously strengthen the brand memory in consumers' minds. Yuncang Winery always believes that building consumers' trust in the brand is a key step. The higher the brand's popularity, the more advantageous it will be for consumers to buy. Yuncang Winery adopts correct marketing strategies to improve the competitive advantage of products in the market and help distributors develop together.