Together with superstar Lu Liangwei, HOMANLISM Baijiu gathers three spokespersons

Recently, HOMANLISM Baijiu, a brand of Yuncang Winery, signed a contract with Hong Kong actor Lu Liangwei as the brand spokesperson. So far, HOMANLISM Baijiu has three celebrity spokespersons, namely the bold and generous Lu Liangwei, the elegant Wu Qihua, and the joyful and easy-going period. It represents the concept of HOMANLISM Baijiu: bold, elegant and joyful.


Yuncang Winery belongs to Hainan Yuncang Winery Co., Ltd., which is an online sales platform for traditional wine business, and is a member unit of China Wine Association.

Compared with the traditional wine business, it provides online services such as product display, ordering, statistics, and customer management that are consistent with the offline business and online business, and realizes the integration of online and offline sales business. Online orders can be placed and shipped from the warehouse according to the order information, reducing multiple transshipments and saving costs, allowing consumers to enjoy more affordable prices.


Lu Liangwei, an actor from Hong Kong, China. The movie "Raging Horse Fighting on the Beach" he starred in was broadcast on the iQiyi platform. If you click to watch it, you will find that the keyword that appears most frequently in the barrage is Lu Liangwei. The audience missed Ding Li from Shanghai Bund, and lamented that the actor is still in good condition. This Hong Kong actor, born in 1956, has been proud of "Shanghai Bund", has been in and out of "Rich Gate", and achieved "The Lame Man" with arrogance and arrogance. The "Emperor of Shanghai" all over the body can also perform the legend of Bodhidharma and Sakyamuni's birth...


Lu Liangwei, who has passed his forty years, has shown a rare calmness and calmness in the complicated entertainment industry. His performance has become more natural and smooth, and he is proficient. In "August 1st", he played General Ye Ting He is handsome and has both physical and spiritual qualities. He was praised by the director and political commissar of the Bayi Studio, and was given a set of military uniforms for it; It also reveals the inner world of the gang boss. In the play, the gang boss played by Lu Liangwei has a very full image. On the one hand, he does a lot of evil in the gang, on the other hand, he is very filial to his mother, and has deep affection for his two brothers. The superb acting skills with ease make the character's personality more three-dimensional and comprehensive, and the connotation of the film is therefore more profound. The charm of handsome and masculine men adds a lot to the film.


At each stage, Lu Liangwei uses different high-quality images to create more three-dimensional and individual characteristics in front of the audience. The cooperation between Yuncang Winery's HOMANLISM Baijiu and Lu Liangwei is exactly the deep fit between Lu Liangwei's multi-faceted image and the concept of the HOMANLISM Baijiu brand. Lu Liangwei has created many classic screen characters with his own strength over the years, showing the heroic temperament. This is also the reason why Yuncang Winery signed Lu Liangwei as the spokesperson for HOMANLISM Baijiu. The pride, boldness and atmosphere of life.


It is understood that Yuncang Winery has been carefully polishing its products since its establishment, pursuing high-quality, high-value, and cost-effective products, which are deeply loved by consumers. The signing of the spokeswoman this time uses Lv Liangwei's personal image as a breakthrough point for the brand to leverage traffic, vigorously builds core competitiveness, enriches the multi-dimensional marketing system of Yuncang Winery, and is bound to further promote the rapid development of the brand.


At the signing ceremony, according to Guo Dongwei, the president of Yuncang Winery, my country has a long history of wine culture. China is not only the capital of liquor, but also a major producer and exporter of liquor. Compared with wine, the market of liquor is obviously much larger, and the competition is also fierce. Through the empowerment of the brand by the spokesperson, the brand can have certain advantages in the market, and more importantly, it can make consumers remember deeply.

Yuncang Winery provides Internet online services according to the traditional wine wholesale business. The goods can be picked up in batches or delivered by the warehouse one by one according to the order. The dealers do not advocate stockpiling except for wine for display. The operation is flexible and the key service terminal stores are in the terminal. In terms of alcohol sales in the store, HOMANLIS Liquor empowers the brand through spokespersons, bringing more sales possibilities to the market.