Yuncang Winery sponsors the 2023 World Master Chef Competition and Cultural Tourism Industry Summit Forum

Recently, the 2023 World Culinary Masters Competition and Cultural Tourism Industry Summit Forum sponsored by Yuncang Winery was held warmly at the Guinness Hotel. Mr. Mai, the person in charge of Yuncang Winery Foshan, attended the event in person. It is reported that this event is hosted by the prestigious "Guinness International Hotel Gastronomy Club" and the British hotel management group "Saville Business Travel Group", which ranks 102 in the world. It is co-organized with dozens of related companies such as IFBA International Catering Association, China Hotel Supplies Association Hotel Purchasing Committee, China Catering Management Business School, World Hotel Federation, China Avenue of Famous Chefs, Hong Kong Kitchen King Association, etc.


A number of honorable chairmen were specially invited as the preparatory committee, including Chinese-American Zhen Wenda, David. Yang Weixing, chairman of Cantonese Cuisine King Kitchen Association, Zhang Suisheng, executive vice president of Savile Cultural Business Travel and master tutor of Hunan University of Technology, and Dai Long, the Hong Kong God of Cookery.


The main purpose of this event is to let Chinese cuisine and famous Chinese chefs go to the world, promote the exchange of world food culture, and enhance the international status and popularity of chefs. Promote the cultural tourism and cultural industry to a higher level, expand international vision, reward advanced representatives of the industry, and promote the interconnection of hotel, catering, cultural and tourism ingredients. Gathering upstream and downstream high-quality enterprise products, covering the comprehensive prefabricated vegetable brand category, creating a "one-stop display and trading platform for the prefabricated vegetable industry in the economic circle, responding to the country's call for the Belt and Road Initiative, and letting Chinese food, culture and tourism culture go to the world!

The event also invited many news media, including CCTV Discovery Tour, Guangdong TV Station, Guangzhou Daily, Gourmet Herald, Yangcheng Evening News, Gourmet Weekly, Youku, Sina, Tencent, Toutiao, Douyin,,, and Internet Gourmet Tegong self-media Tencent News, Watermelon Video, Baidu, Weibo, Douyin, Weishi, Kuaishou, Meipian, Xiaohongshu, Dianping, Youzan, Weimall and other mainstream media and online platform media representatives.


It is understood that Yuncang Winery is one of the sponsors of this event, and it owns four major brands, including LEESON, Bold & Generous, HOMANLISM and FENDI CLUB beer. Yuncang Winery is an Internet-based wine sales. As the name suggests, its main feature is to establish a storage and logistics center based on cloud technology. Through centralized management of wine inventory, circulation, transportation and other links, it can reduce store inventory pressure and improve operating efficiency. , to realize the optimization and coordinated development of all aspects of the wine industry, such as production, sales, logistics, and service.


Yuncang Winery is usually combined with an online sales platform, on which consumers can view products and place orders. With the support of cloud warehouse technology, orders in different regions can be automatically allocated to the nearest store for delivery by the cloud warehouse based on factors such as distance and time, thus speeding up the delivery of goods. At the same time, Yuncang Winery can also provide consumers with more detailed empowerment services, such as providing consumers with more detailed brand introductions, reviews and other information, and providing personalized order processing services.

In short, Yuncang Winery has used cloud computing technology, big data analysis, artificial intelligence and other technical means to realize the digitization, standardization and intelligence of the sales model of the wine industry, bringing consumers more efficient, more convenient and more A reliable liquor shopping service experience.


According to Yuncang Winery, the purpose of sponsoring the World Culinary Masters Competition this time is to promote the food culture of the Chinese nation, provide a stage for the majority of culinary lovers to show their talents and interact and communicate among culinary masters, and better promote Professional development and skill improvement of chefs will enhance international cultural exchanges and friendship, and empower the industry to promote development.


In Yangcheng in May, pearl water is abundant and fresh lychees are fragrant. In such a beautiful season, a world-class industry event is ushered in --- 2023 World Culinary Masters Competition and Cultural Tourism Industry Summit Forum. This event has achieved rich results and has been widely praised by the industry. Yuncang The winery wishes the World MasterChef Competition to be better and better.