Yuncang Winery, the operator of LEESON Red Wine, started reforming based on its core business and deepened its cultivation

From the management of one tree in the enterprise to the management of a forest in the industry, and back to the management of one tree in the enterprise. The key point of continuous reform is to think from the outside to the inside, to get out of homogeneity and competition through strategic positioning, and to help enterprises gain an invincible foothold. Only by establishing a clear differentiated positioning to guide the corporate strategy can the company's operating efficiency and market competitiveness be greatly improved. The key is to bid farewell to the speculative thinking of "following the crowd", focus on the core of the strategy, and shrink the marginal business. If we want to expand production and expand new businesses today, it will be a disaster if we do not change! Enterprises must do deep cultivation based on the core business. Only by occupying the most favorable position in the customer's mental ladder and creating category potential can they win the long-term choice of customers.



Recently, Yuncang Winery, the operator of LEESON Red Wine, launched three important reforms, and carried out comprehensive and systematic optimization and adjustment of business methods and marketing methods. With the guidance of business philosophy and strategy, the enterprise should look at the operation layout from the strategic end, start from the people and the system, and build a strategic fit and operation system. The internal operation management matching system should be centered on the brand, and an operation matching system that is interlocking, complementary, and mutually growing should be established to occupy the commanding heights of operation; the external operation matching system should be centered on consumers, and a brand core value system and core value system should be established. The memory system occupies consumers' minds.

Yuncang Chateau is an online company with traditional business. Customers can place an order online and Yuncang will send it one by one. According to the traditional business method, Yuncang Chateau sells to city dealers (service centers), and service centers sell to district County distributors (châteaux) and wineries are sold to store distributors (shop owners), which in turn form a buying and selling relationship that closely follows the traditional business model. Each distributor earns the difference in sales price, and each distributor sells through its own online shop. .



Yuncang Winery (Hainan Yuncang Winery Co., Ltd.) has revised its business and marketing methods, mainly focusing on the following aspects:

1. The recommended scanning code of Yuncang Winery online mall is changed to focus on supply stores. Yuncang Winery provides dealers with warehouse direct delivery and an online mall, so that each dealer has its own online store for sales. Any customer can register freely or by scanning the code. When the customer thinks the product is good, recommend it to a friend , There is no commission and no points for customers to recommend customers to register, but some recommenders show that in fact, the recommender is not necessarily the seller. All purchases are still placed through the dealer's online store. Yuncang Chateau Online Mall system cancels the recommendation People show that all new user registrations or any dealers only pay attention to the online store of the corresponding supplier, and make online purchases in the store. Each dealer can also view the customer information of the direct supply, and completely cancel the referrer display. , According to the traditional offline business method, the store is completely corresponding to the buyer.

2. Dealers need to register an account with a third-party payment company to use the online store to realize complete independence of fund management. For offline sales, the dealer will collect the money by himself. However, if the dealer sells online and uses the Yuncang Chateau online mall system, he needs to independently register with a third-party payment company with a payment license, upload the merchant certificate, and the customer online The payment for the purchase of the product is paid to the account opened by the merchant of the third-party payment company, so that the funds are completely independent. The Yuncang Winery headquarters still only collects the payment from the direct customers of the headquarters, and does not make any bonuses or commissions. Next , if the dealer does not open its own merchant account in the third-party payment company, it will not be able to realize the online collection of product sales. For customers ordering products online, it only supports order submission and logistics information viewing after delivery. The business is handled by the dealer. Settle with customers offline.

3. Fully promote offline physical stores and front warehouses, and expand the proportion of offline traditional business methods. Yuncang Winery is an online traditional business, wholesale price of brand wine, and its service targets are physical stores. Yuncang Winery will focus on increasing the number of physical stores in 2023, and establishing front warehouses in multiple cities to expand the line of physical stores The proportion of store sales is lower, and a large number of face-to-face transactions are advocated in which customers pay offline to the dealer and pick up the goods locally. This can satisfy the immediacy of purchasing products and pick up the goods, and effectively increase the interaction and communication with customers. At present, The work has been carried out in an orderly manner, and the service has already begun to be realized in qualified areas.


The foundation is the corporate philosophy - go deep; the process emphasizes strategy - go high; the means lies in operation - go big. In the market competition pattern, only by starting from the essence of operation, emphasizing concept guidance, emphasizing strategic drive, emphasizing the construction of operating management system and business management system, emphasizing talents, and constantly innovating and reforming enterprises can form competitiveness. This is the source of underlying power for Yuncang Winery to counterattack against the trend, overcome every difficulty, gather potential energy of categories, and win customers' choices.