Yuncang Winery's 2023 co-founder Hainan meeting was held in Sanya

.Recently, Hainan Yuncang Winery Co., Ltd. (Yuncang Winery) 2023 Co-Founders Hainan Meeting was held in Sanya. This meeting lasted for four days, and it was the second co-founder meeting after the annual strategic meeting of Yuncang Winery at the end of 2022. , This meeting mainly discusses the four directions of product strategy, training strategy, technology strategy and market strategy in 2023. The participants also conducted effective communication and exchanges on business methods and market expansion methods in various places.


Yuncang Winery is a traditional wine sales company. It moves part of the business of traditional wine dealers to the Internet and provides dealers with online stores and inventory management. First, it recommends customers to buy at the dealer's physical store. For online Purchase, at the beginning of 2023, Yuncang Winery started the work that all distributors must register as independent merchants with a licensed third-party payment company. The headquarters cannot manage and control the funds, which on the one hand ensures the safety of the dealer’s funds, and on the other hand, prevents the accrual of bonuses and commissions. In this sense, Yuncang Winery does not collect money to The company, but the distributors collect the money themselves, and Yuncang Winery only collects and ships from direct customers and distributors.


As a resident enterprise of Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City, Yazhou District, Sanya, Hainan, Yuncang Winery has received the attention of Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City for this meeting. The guests of the co-founder meeting were invited to visit the planning hall of Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City , the staff of the Science and Technology City explained the planning and development of the Science and Technology City to the guests, and the various situations of the enterprises staying in the city. Enhancement and technology will change the future, and they all said that it is really great that Yuncang Winery chooses to be in the Science and Technology City.


The person in charge of Yuncang Winery also introduced the company's upcoming dynamic warehouse technology, big data warehousing and goods management, cross-border e-commerce, dynamic marketing and other technological applications in this meeting, and said that he has contacted Some technology research and development enterprises in the Science and Technology City are negotiating for the overall Internet technology upgrade and big data analysis of Yuncang Winery.

The co-founder of Yuncang Chateau refers to the distributors who made outstanding contributions to Yuncang Chateau’s market expansion and regional business coordination and management in the early days of Yuncang Chateau, as well as the heads of provincial distributors. It is a kind of appellation, but it is the core "asset" of the company from the inside of Yuncang Winery. It is said that a company is made up of people, and it is precisely because of a stable and efficient dealer team that there is Yuncang Wine. Zhuang today's development.


Regarding the product strategy, Yuncang Winery, in addition to the existing Leisheng Red Wine and Haomai Baijiu, also focused on launching small batches of customized red wine and customized white wine. The order will be delivered the next day, and I am looking forward to the product. In terms of training strategy, Yuncang Winery will carry out investment promotion and cooperation in multiple president-level training markets to bring new distributors to the market. In terms of market strategy, The person in charge of Yuncang Winery said that in 2023, traditional physical stores will be deeply cultivated to provide good services for physical stores, and upgrade the local services of dealers through multi-product, customized, and low-cost physical store replication.

During the meeting, dealers from all over the country shared their experience in market development, customer service, key customer group buying, physical store management strategies, etc., and made a layout for the overall planning of Yuncang Winery in 2023. The meeting was successfully completed four days later. Finish.