Yuncang Chateau Customer Service Conference Held in Guangzhou Operation Center

Recently, the customer service conference of Hainan Yuncang Winery Co., Ltd. was held in the Guangzhou Operation Center. It was a work meeting on improving customer service satisfaction. The main products of Yuncang Winery are LEESON red wine endorsed by Zhang Jizhong and Bold & Generous red wine endorsed by Pan Meichen , and HOMANLISM liquor endorsed by Wu Qihua , the core concept is: online traditional business, wholesale price of brand red wine.

Yuncang Winery is a combination of Yuncang + Winery. It makes part of the traditional wine business online, supports offline business, and can also purchase online. You can buy what you want offline and online. Who is the offline supplier and who is online? It is still a supplier, which provides Internet online services according to the traditional wine wholesale business. It can pick up goods in batches or send them one by one according to the order. The dealers do not advocate stockpiling except for wine for display, and the operation is flexible.


This meeting is an important meeting to fully implement customer service satisfaction. On the basis of summarizing the company's operation and management work, it will clarify the customer service work ideas, business objectives and key tasks in the future.

The department closely focuses on the company's predetermined goals, actively implements the work ideas of focusing on service, management, and team, standardizes the polite language of customer service personnel, improves customer service methods and processes, taps potential, increases revenue and reduces expenditure, and further improves the service of the company's customer service department. Ability, actively do a good job in back-end delivery for dealers, logistics inquiries and other services, assign responsibilities to people, and clear customer service issues on a regular basis, laying a good foundation for the company to achieve steady and healthy development.


Compared with the traditional wine business of Yuncang Winery, it provides online services such as product display, ordering, statistics, and customer management that are consistent with the offline business and online business, so as to realize the integration of online and offline sales business, and the offline physical wine for customers You can buy and pick up the goods on the spot or place an order online, and the goods will be shipped from the warehouse according to the order information, which reduces multiple transshipments and saves costs. The timely arrival of goods from the warehouse, logistics loss, damage, reissue, etc. are particularly important. Important, this is related to the satisfaction of end customers and the reputation of dealers among customers. The main tasks of customer service at Yuncang Winery headquarters are logistics, reissue of damaged goods, and inquiry of arrival status, which also requires the customer service department to work more meticulously.


Strategy determines success or failure, and details make perfection. Any department should consider issues from the aspects of company development, operating efficiency, management innovation, customer satisfaction, and strengthening learning. Motivation, next, the customer service work of Yuncang Winery needs to increase customer satisfaction evaluation, link service satisfaction with income, and improve the sense of responsibility for customer service, so as to ensure that the customers of Yuncang Winery are sticky and create a more influential Powerful modern enterprise.

What is Yuncang Winery? Don't misunderstand Yuncang Winery, the conclusion of the field visit

With the development of the intelligent era, the wine industry and consumers are paying more and more attention to the front-end and back-end customer experience, and the cloud warehouse has become a key method to solve the efficiency problem. Consumption upgrades, "Internet +", big data, cloud computing and other new terms are emerging in the consumer market. Under the accelerated development of the intelligent age, every consumer has become an "experience officer" of new technologies and concepts. ". Hainan Yuncang Winery Co., Ltd. combines Yuncang + winery to make part of the traditional wine business online while supporting offline business.