Following the cancellation of online recommendation, Yuncang Winery requires distributors to register as third-party payment merchants for online sales.

Following the cancellation of online recommendation, Yuncang Winery requires distributors

o register as third-party payment merchants for online sales.


Recently, Yuncang Winery (Hainan Yuncang Winery Co., Ltd.), the operator of Leisheng Red Wine, has started the merchant registration work of online mall dealers in third-party payment companies. As an important part of the rectification of Yuncang Winery, the management of funds , without any accrual or commission payment, laying the foundation for the scale of Yuncang Winery.

Last month, Yuncang Winery completely canceled the member recommendation of the online store. All customers and dealers who registered to buy products online paid attention to their own supply online store and formed a point-to-point supply relationship with the supply online store. After canceling the recommendation of members, Yuncang Winery is more closely related to the traditional sales business, which is exactly the same as the traditional wine wholesale model, except that it provides online shopping malls and purchase, sales and storage records and other services for distributors who are qualified to engage in online sales.

The merchant registration work of dealers on the third-party platform this time is provided by Yifutong (Beijing Hengxintong Telecom Service Co., Ltd.). Last month, Xiong Yaowen, technical director of Yuncang Winery, and Zhang Bin, chairman of Yifutong Signed a strategic cooperation agreement, the two parties will carry out strategic cooperation in various aspects such as providing third-party payment services and settlement services to dealers in the online mall of Yuncang Chateau. Merchant registration portal, and requires distributors who sell products externally to register as an independent merchant.



Yifutong is the service brand of Beijing Hengxintong Telecom Service Co., Ltd., which is a convenience service project of the Beijing Municipal Government. It is mainly engaged in the professional service of public utility payment. , A professional company engaged in public utilities payment services with "EasyPay" as its service brand, and a third-party payment platform through the Internet, terminal pos machine, mobile client, bill withholding, etc. Eypay has rich experience , to provide an overall solution for the independent account business of Yuncang winery distributors and merchants.


Yuncang Winery is essentially a wine sales platform that focuses on brand building and supply chain services. It does not directly face consumers, but supplies to distributors, who then sell them. For traditional business, Yuncang Chateau dealers do not need to open an online store, nor do they need to register merchants with third-party payment companies, but if dealers need to sell products online, dealers need to register merchants with the third-party payment company Yifutong , a bit similar to Taobao, dealers need to register an Alipay account if they want to operate on the Yuncang Chateau line. It not only guarantees the safety of funds for dealers’ sales price difference, but also conducts business development such as e-commerce and communities in a more standardized manner. Neither the online mall of Hainan Yuncang Winery Co., Ltd. nor Yuncang Winery Company can make provision for dealers. Bonuses or commissions are more reasonable in terms of fund management.

According to the introduction, the online mall of Yuncang Chateau is consistent with the business model of the traditional wine wholesale business. The third-party registration of independent accounts by dealers this time is mainly for Yuncang Chateau to completely eliminate the need for dealers to count in the form and in practice. The possibility of raising bonuses, issuing commissions, and forming a fund pool, etc., combined with the previously canceled customer recommendations, will escort Yuncang Winery in new e-commerce, community services, and other aspects.

Mr. Zhang Bin, chairman of Yifutong, said that the business model of Yuncang Winery is very good. Under the general trend of moving traditional business online, the development of Yuncang Winery is very in line with the development trend. Yifutong has begun to carry out specific Advancement of work.