Why is it difficult to sell traditional wine with the help of the Internet, and how does Yuncang winery combine

The so-called "Internet + drinks" refers to the operation mode in which consumers place orders online through the Internet, and companies deliver them to nearby physical stores through offline stores. Although the development of "Internet + wine" has gone through many years, it is still in a relatively basic stage, and there are still multiple problems to be solved:

1. Alcohol buying habits

The "Internet +" wine model hopes that "consumers can place orders online through the Internet". However, from the current point of view, it is still the younger generation who are used to buying goods online, and the larger liquor consumers are still not used to online shopping.

2. Open up the consumer interface

Judging from the current development of "Internet +" drinks, the purchase behavior has shifted from the computer to the mobile Internet, that is, the mobile phone, which shows that the installation of the client on the mobile phone has become the most important factor for sales. However, it is not an easy task to get consumers to install a single-category client.

3. Information system management

To connect online and offline, a lot of manpower and material resources for any manufacturer trying O2O is not in the establishment of an online website or the establishment of several offline stores, but in the background data management that can integrate the two The establishment, improvement and stability of the system.

From the current point of view, platform operators such as wineries and trading circles place the point of offline distribution on the stores or terminals controlled by dealers or dealers, thinking that whoever cooperates with more terminals will be able to deliver faster. If the so-called half-hour, or even 9-minute goal of reaching consumers is achieved, the greater the possibility of its O20 success. However, in reality, there is no basic information system such as invoicing. Even if there is, it is still quite difficult to connect the headquarters information system with the in-store system.


4. Functional transformation of offline stores

020 In addition to the sales function itself, one end of the offline line emphasizes the need to have multiple functions such as brand services, consumer experience, and logistics distribution. However, judging from the current status of alcohol terminals across the country, most stores are still confused about how to outperform the node of survival, and at most provide alcohol delivery services, and have no time to provide more brand services, consumer experience and other content.

5. The problem of huge funds

The 020 model undoubtedly faces the problem of requiring huge amounts of funds. After all, whether it is to establish or unite many stores across the country, carry out logistics distribution, and open up information technology, funds are needed. This is a hurdle that must be overcome, so This is why many companies exploring the O20 model continue to tell stories and attract funds to the capital market.

6. Product quality problems

Product quality issues are a headache for any e-commerce platform, as can be seen from the recent exposure of well-known e-commerce platforms selling counterfeit luxury goods. The supervision of product quality is often beyond the reach of third-party platforms. After all, these stores are not your own. How to ensure product quality? This is a problem that the "Internet +" beverage model also needs to solve.


It is difficult to sell traditional wine through the Internet, so how does Yuncang Winery combine it? It is understood that Yuncang Winery is affiliated to Hainan Yuncang Winery Co., Ltd., which is an online sales platform for traditional wine business, and is a member unit of China Wine Association. Yuncang winery is a combination of cloud warehouse + winery, cloud warehouse delivery, winery experience, some of the traditional wine business is online, offline tasting is advocated, offline purchases are also possible, and online orders can also be placed (online orders are only for Order records and logistics inquiries do not support online payment, buyers need to find suppliers offline to pay themselves) , can pick up goods in batches or ship them one by one according to the order, dealers do not advocate stockpiling except for wine for display and basic inventory , flexible operation.

Compared with the traditional wine business, Yuncang Winery provides dealers with online services such as product display, ordering, statistics, and customer management, realizing the integration of online and offline sales business. Customers can experience in the physical winery, and can purchase on-site or online. Orders are shipped from the warehouse according to the order information, reducing multiple transshipments and saving costs, allowing consumers to enjoy more affordable prices.


In order to allow consumers to easily buy high-quality products, Yuncang Winery has continuously upgraded its logistics and warehousing. All branded products under Yuncang Winery are shipped directly from the warehouse, which directly solves the screening difficulties brought about by the traditional wine industry. , poor quality, and many fakes, so that every consumer can buy with confidence and peace of mind.

Direct delivery from the warehouse to consumers, reducing intermediate turnover links, reducing circulation costs, product pricing can be lowered, consumers can get more affordable prices, so that small profits but quick turnover, compared with other channels for purchase, Yuncang Winery It has more advantages in price. When consumers purchase, if they do not carefully screen or do not know much about quality control, it is easy to get defective or counterfeit products. Sending products directly from the warehouse to consumers not only guarantees the quality of the products, but also provides more styles to choose from, so you can get news as soon as there are new styles.