Yuncang Winery meets the 10th "Guizhou people all over the world" Chinese New Year Friendship Event and Guizhou Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting

On February 7, 2023, Hainan Yuncang Winery Co., Ltd. participated in the 10th "Guizhou people all over the world" Chinese New Year Friendship and Guizhou Merchants Annual Meeting. The theme of this event is "Love for hometown, win-win development". At the time when spring is returning to the land, the chambers of commerce in 13 provinces of Guizhou, Long, Ji, Liao, Lu, Chu, Sichuan, Hunan, Shenzhen, Qin, Jiangxi, and Zhejiang, as well as overseas chambers of commerce such as Guizhou Chamber of Commerce in the United States and Guizhou Chamber of Commerce in Canada, met in colorful Guizhou and gathered The forest city of Guiyang, to renew friendship, discuss and cooperate, and seek common development, jointly issued the "Declaration on Helping Guizhou to Develop Guiyang with High Quality", advocating: the majority of private enterprises, adhering to the Chinese business gang's way of "creating wealth bravely and benefiting the world", practice The entrepreneurial innovation spirit of constantly surpassing oneself will help Guizhou and achieve win-win cooperation. The purpose of this activity is to further demonstrate the image of Guizhou's opening up to the outside world, and to show the style of the times of Guizhou people all over the world.


The content of this event will include investment in Guizhou government and enterprise talks, the 10th "World Guizhou People" New Year Friendship Event and the opening ceremony of the Guizhou Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting, 2023 Guizhou Open Forum, 2023 World Guizhou People New Year Gala, drone flying show, etc. At the same time, on the day of the meeting, the organizing committee will release the 2022 World Guizhou People's Annual Salute Figure and the 2022 World Guizhou People's Annual Influential Figure.


Among them, the "2023 Guizhou Open Forum" is one of the highlights of this event, and it is also the first time that Guizhou holds a forum with the keyword "open". The theme is: "Open Guizhou welcomes you". Open cooperation, win-win development. In the new era, China's business gang tradition is endowed with a modern business spirit of openness, inclusiveness, and win-win cooperation. Adhering to the traditional Chinese business culture of being willing to contribute, treating people with sincerity, faith-based, seeking profit from benevolence, and seeking wealth while righteousness; adhere to the spirit of modern commercial civilization of openness, tolerance, cooperation and mutual assistance, and win-win development. Actively and proactively "going out" and "bringing in", in the face of unilateralism, trade barriers and other countercurrents, is good at turning crises into opportunities, strengthening corporate cooperation, promoting the interconnection of business associations, and actively connecting with the "Belt and Road" initiative. Participate in domestic cooperation and international cooperation and competition on a large scale, in a wider field, and at a higher level, and work together on the track of high-quality development to achieve steady and long-term progress. At that time, the organizing committee will invite Wang Zhigang, a well-known strategic consulting expert and founder of Zhigang Think Tank, and Long Jiangang, a senior media person and special commentator of Nanfang Daily, to give keynote speeches. How to open” for sharing and communication.


Zhu Yuzhen, Zhong Peng, the person in charge of Yuncang Winery in Guizhou, and other staff participated in this event and received the award of the designated red wine for the 10th "Guizhou People All over the World" New Year Friendship Event and the Annual Meeting of the Guizhou Chamber of Commerce.


It is reported that Yuncang Winery is affiliated to Nanyuncang Winery Co., Ltd., an online sales platform for traditional wine business, and a member unit of China Wine Association. Yuncang Winery is a combination of Yuncang + winery. Cloud warehouse delivery, winery experience, the traditional wine business is online, and offline tasting is advocated. Offline purchases can also be placed online, and can be picked up in batches or by order. Orders are shipped one by one, and dealers do not advocate hoarding except for wine for display and basic inventory, and the operation is flexible.

Compared with the traditional wine business, Yuncang Winery provides dealers with online services such as product display, ordering, statistics, and customer management, realizing the integration of online and offline sales business. Customers can experience in the physical winery, and can purchase on-site, pick up goods, or go online and offline. Only according to the order information, the goods are shipped from the warehouse, reducing multiple transshipments and saving costs, allowing consumers to enjoy more affordable prices.


Yuncang Winery has always adopted the marketing strategy of "small profits but high sales, earning less and selling more" to look at the long-term interests. Small profits will increase market demand. This requires enterprises to have a certain production capacity and potential production capacity in order to ensure the quality of products. supply. If the production capacity of the enterprise is insufficient to meet the supply of products, it will leave room for competitors, thus affecting the long-term development of the enterprise. Therefore, when Yuncang Winery adopts the marketing strategy of "small profits but high sales, earn less and sell more", it combines its own production and management capabilities to meet the market demand caused by small profits but high sales, so that the mass consumer groups can really use the most favorable prices. Price, buy the most satisfactory product.


High-quality development is the primary task of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. High-quality development is the primary task of Guizhou's latecomers to catch up and upgrade, and it is also the mission, task and opportunity of our private enterprises. The General Chamber of Commerce of the Thirteen Provinces is a gathering of talents, with no distraction to innovate and develop, to run a good business in a down-to-earth manner, to treat open cooperation with sincerity, we will win the development results together, and we will share a bright future!