Yuncang winery FENDI CLUB fashion beer talks about the difference between craft beer and puree beer

When it comes to craft beer, many friends will confuse it with puree beer, and they don't know the difference between the two kinds of beer. According to the introduction of FENDI CLUB Fashion Beer of Yuncang Winery, in terms of brewing materials used, both craft beer and puree beer are fermented with malt, water, hops and yeast, and the selection of raw materials can also be said to be the same.


Hainan Yuncang Winery Co., Ltd. (referred to as Yuncang Winery) is a wine wholesale platform and a member of the China Wine Association. In addition to the new brand FENDI CLUB beer, Yuncang Winery also owns three powerful brands, including LEESON, Bold & Generous and HOMANLISM.

In the brewing process, the puree beer is not filtered, and the inactivation process is also omitted, and the freshness of the yeast and the freshness of the beer liquid are retained. In appearance, due to the presence of a large number of active yeasts, the wine presents a certain degree of turbidity. As craft beer is not diluted or filtered, it restores the most original taste of beer, and the taste will be more mellow. At this point, craft beer and puree beer can be said to have the same purpose. However, in order to ensure the taste of malt, the raw beer does not need to add other flavor substances; the craft beer needs to add other flavor substances after the inactivation process.

In terms of taste, there is a difference between craft beer and puree beer. Craft beer not only restores the malt taste of beer to the greatest extent, but also adds different flavor substances to make the taste richer, some taste smooth and thick, and some taste like milk. Because of the unique brewing process, the puree beer has less bubbles and a more refreshing taste, which retains the fresh taste of beer.


In terms of storage time, craft beer can be stored for about 12 months due to pasteurization and sterilization operations; the storage time of raw beer is relatively short. Cannot exceed 45 days.

Strictly speaking, puree beer can be classified as craft beer. Whether it is craft beer or puree beer, each has its own emphasis on taste. Craft beer pursues the richness and balance of bitterness, sourness and sweetness, while puree beer tends to be light and sweet. Friends who love beer can choose according to their own preferences and experience the subtle differences between craft beer and puree beer.