FENDI CLUB brand joins the queue of craft beer

In recent years, craft beer has been recognized and even sought after by more and more people. No matter online or offline, no matter in restaurants or bars, you will always encounter craft beer brands. It is reported that recently the FENDI CLUB brand has also joined the ranks of craft beer, with the slogan "Fashionable Beer, Leading the Fashion" quickly sweeping the entire Internet, sparking heated discussions.

So where did the word "craft" come from? The term craft beer is translated from English Craft Beer, and it can also be understood as handcrafted beer or workshop beer, which is used to describe the craft of beer, rather than a certain type of beer. It also secretly marks the independent and niche personality and fashion label of craft beer.


So what is the actual definition of craft beer? Some people think from the brewing method that beer is called craft beer without adding other ingredients such as rice and corn. Some people also believe that from the perspective of production, the beer with less production and intensive cultivation, and the beer that represents the spirit of craftsmanship is craft beer. Some people think from the taste that only beer with complex aroma and strong taste can be called craft beer. Simply put, craft beer is brewed using only malt, hops, yeast and water without adding any artificial additives. Compared with ordinary beer, it has more malt content and more hops, so the brewed wort has a higher concentration.

In fact, the American Brewers Association (BA-Brewers Aassociation) has a clear definition of craft beer: the annual output should not exceed 6 million barrels; Dachang Brewery cannot own more than 25% of its brewery; Use inferior raw materials or chemicals to replace real materials; the flavor of beer comes from the fermentation of traditional crafts or innovative raw materials, and the flavor synthesized by artificial additives is not counted.


  In the meaning of "fine brewing", "fine", Cratf represents high quality and ingenuity. Therefore, beer brewed with heart and shared with everyone in an honest way can be regarded as "fine brewing" if it combines tradition, pays more attention to innovation, quality, and full of personality.

Some craft beers have toffee and coffee flavors, some craft beers have pepper flavors, some German wheat beers have banana flavors, and some Belgian beers have rose flavors. These beers with various flavors represent All of them have different personalities and innovative brewing techniques.

It is reported that FENDI CLUB launched three beers in the first batch, which are FENDI CLUB 701 whole wheat beer, FENDI CLUB 702 German style white beer, and FENDI CLUB 703 Belgian style white beer. The multi-fruity craft beer brings you a better and richer "fashion taste".


FENDI CLUB fashion craft beer is a summer fashion. From the appearance tonality, it can be seen that FENDI CLUB has chosen a more fashionable design, with the purpose of generating fashion topics between pushing cups and changing cups. Enjoy FENDI CLUB beer, enjoy a relaxed and pleasant lifestyle, and be a fashionista.

In the world of FENDI CLUB, nothing is impossible. FENDI CLUB craft beer interprets simplicity and atmosphere in a light and luxurious way. It has the ambiguity of cocktails, the style of red wine, and the wantonness of whiskey. Every sip seems to taste the various aspects of life, and every sip represents pure happiness.

Time and patience, the time when the rich malt is mixed with hops is fermented together, in the hands of the brewer, it is like a sculpture under the hands of a sculptor, like a sugar man in the hands of a sugar blower, created with ingenuity and craftsmanship The beer that comes out is qualified to be called "craft beer".