Where is the "essence" of Yuncang winery FENDI CLUB craft beer?

When people shifted their focus from ordinary beer to craft beer, they began to ask, why is craft beer so "fine"?

It is understood that FENDI CLUB is a fashionable beer brand owned by Yuncang Winery. In addition, it also owns three major brands, including LEESON, Bold & Generous and HOMANLISM. FENDI CLUB Beer launched three craft beers in the first batch, namely FENDI CLUB 701 whole wheat beer, FENDI CLUB 702 German style white beer, and FENDI CLUB 703 Belgian style white beer. The multi-fruity craft beer brings you a better and richer "fashion taste".


Yuncang Winery FENDI CLUB craft beer can be summarized into four "essences", which are essence, selection, elaboration and refinement.

Essence: The English craft beer of craft beer was originally called "craft beer". Compared with industrialized and large-scale production of beer, the output of handcrafted beer is definitely not as high as that of ordinary beer produced on a large scale. Rare due to low yield, craft brewers strive to concentrate the essence of wheat grains in every drop of brewed beer. This is the first "essence" of craft beer, which means the essence of small quantity and high quality.

Selection: In order to ensure the unique taste of craft beer, FENDI CLUB craft beer selects high-quality malt, hops, yeast, etc., does not use starch, syrup instead, does not add preservatives and clarifiers, and makes good brewing raw materials pure first Only when it is turned off can the brewed beer have higher wort content, rich aroma and richer taste.


Meticulous: Craft beer adopts traditional crafts, adhering to the craftsman spirit, and the craft beer brewed through each process embodies the craftsman spirit of the brewer. Every craft brewer regards brewing as a science and an innovative art, and carries out the creative production of beer with a rigorous attitude and heart, and an honest attitude.

Refining: Craft beer is mostly fermented in the upper layer of the Ayer process, giving sufficient fermentation time, the fermentation time is as long as two months, in order to stimulate the flavor of beer, retain the nutrients of hops and yeast, and retain the mellowness and freshness of craft beer to a large extent taste, so that the taste of beer can cover a wider range of people.


Friends who often experience craft beer believe that in addition to the common "fineness" above, craft beer has another distinctive feature. People who taste craft beer prefer to pursue a "small but refined" fashion sense. While chatting and savoring carefully, we pursue a kind of delicacy and exquisiteness.

Bring FENDI CLUB craft beer to share fashion with friends, drink a sip of summer fashion, food and wine, enjoy the joy and happiness of the party, and start your fashion craft beer journey!