Simple understanding of beer knowledge through FENDI CLUB beer

When it comes to beer, consumers tend to fall into the difficulty of not knowing which beer to choose. Walking into the wine rack of the supermarket, you can see all kinds of beer, such as draft beer, fresh beer, pure draft, dry beer, craft beer, etc., which make people dazzled.


Most of the beer on the market is lager with a clear and refreshing taste. During the fermentation process of about 15 days, yeasts eat most of the sugar in the syrup to produce alcohol and carbon dioxide. smell. Therefore, lager beer is divided into cooked beer and draft beer according to whether it retains live yeast and other activities.

Cooked beer is strictly processed, sterilized and packaged. It sacrifices part of the flavor of the beer but can be exchanged for a shelf life of up to one year. It is especially suitable for mass production and large-scale sales. Cooked beer is the mainstream beer in the market. Under the three main processing methods of dry beer, cold beer and ordinary cooked beer (without processing), cooked beer has various cool names, such as refreshing, light, dry, icy, super cool, and pure ice.


Draft beer can better maintain the activity of yeast in beer, and almost no treatment is the best raw beer. Draft beer, pure draft, and puree all belong to the category of draft beer. The production cost and logistics cost of draft beer are relatively high, so the general selling price is also high. If consumers can buy draft beer and raw beer at a very low price, they need to be careful.

Of course, beer lovers can't just be satisfied with the monotonous taste of lager beer, so craft beer came into being. Against the background of the increasing saturation of popular beer, more and more people are optimistic about the craft beer market, and craft beer has also begun to be favored by young people and wine lovers.

Since the concept of craft beer was initiated by the Americans, the brewing requirements for craft beer are: autonomy, small output, and traditional fermentation. Craft beer represents unique personality and rich flavor and taste. People who choose craft beer also convey a unique taste and aesthetics.


FENDI CLUB beer is a kind of craft beer, divided into German wheat beer and Belgian wheat beer, orange color, rich foam layer, sufficient viscosity, dominant aroma is grain flavor, with some citrus fruity and herbal flavor, overall pure Light, delicate and elegant.

If you have tasted cooked beer, draft beer, draft beer, and want to change the style and taste, try FENDI CLUB, a craft beer with good value for money.