FENDI CLUB beer brings you a different taste experience

A middle-aged father would like to buy a bottle of ordinary beer to relieve his exhaustion and fatigue after a day of work. Sometimes choose a craft beer that is not cheap for an elegant drink. The same beer, why some are called "beer", while others are called "craft". What is the difference between craft beer and ordinary beer?


In the World Beer Classification Guide, the most important classification standard is whether a beer belongs to ale beer or lager beer, and then beer is further divided into 34 major categories and 114 subcategories. Ordinary beer belongs to American Pale Lager in the classification of lager beer, while craft beer belongs to ale beer. The difference in taste and price between the two mainly comes from the different brewing methods. The main raw materials for beer brewing are wheat and water, which are fermented by adding hops and yeast. The taste is affected by these raw materials and fermentation methods. The concentration of original wort determines the rich and mellow taste of beer. The wort concentration of craft beer can reach about 15 degrees, and the heavy-tasting beer can even reach more than 20 degrees.

After saccharification, hops, the soul material of beer, will be added, which can not only neutralize the sweetness of the wort, but also increase the bitterness, sterilize the beer, and produce rich and white beer foam. Finally, yeast is added to ferment, and finally the beer that is distributed in the market is formed.

According to the introduction of the beer brewer, the yeast and fermentation process are different, which directly leads to the difference between lager beer and ale beer. Lager beer is fermented with lager yeast. Due to the low fermentation temperature, low yeast activity, and slow fermentation for a long time, the yeast can fully convert the sugar in the wort into alcohol and carbon dioxide, and the released esters are relatively low. Less, so the taste is mainly wheat and hops. Ale beer is fermented with ale yeast. Due to the high temperature of the top fermentation, the yeast can quickly decompose and produce esters and other different substances.

According to beer tasters, craft beer retains the amino acids, proteins, esters, etc. produced during the fermentation process. It has a strong wheat aroma and unique flavor, and has a short shelf life. Ordinary beer is cooked beer that has been strictly filtered and pasteurized. Live yeast, protein, esters and other flavor substances have been removed. It is clear, transparent and simple in taste. The shelf life can be as high as one year.


Different beers have different flavors, and different people have different tastes. It is difficult to generalize which beer is better. If you just want to treat beer as an ordinary refreshing drink, then ordinary beer is a good choice. For something with a richer taste, try a craft beer.

FENDI CLUB beer belongs to craft wheat beer, which is divided into German wheat beer and Belgian wheat beer. It can be used as an entry-level selection of craft beer, or one of the multi-brand choices for craft beer lovers. In particular, FENDI CLUB702 German wheat beer is very strong and mellow, bringing a different taste experience to wine lovers.