LEESON Red Wine shared three tips on how to taste red wine

There are many types and regions (brands) of wine, so the taste and quality are also different. Without being able to taste it in person, and the wine labels are all in foreign languages, many red wine lovers can only admit that they are fake when they buy fake wine. Therefore, we often find a problem: some poor quality wines are more expensive than good wines due to the effort put into packaging! Today LEESON Red Wine will teach you three tricks to distinguish the quality of red wine from bad. Picture 1 is LEESON 405.


1. The color of the wine

First of all, the color of the wine should match the year and grape variety. Different grape varieties will definitely have different colors in the red wine produced. In addition, the older the year, the lighter the color of the red wine, from the earliest purplish red to orange yellow. LEESON Red Wine reminds everyone that if the wine looks brown, has no aroma, and tastes flat or has aged fruit flavors in the taste, the most likely reason is that the wine has been over-exposed to oxygen.

2. The aroma of wine

The aroma of red wine needs to be pure, fragrant, and long-lasting. Pure aroma means that the aroma of red wine must conform to the characteristics of grape varieties. For example, LEESON red wine provides blended dry red, single grape variety dry red, dry white, sweet white, brandy, etc. Taste, which flavor of red wine to choose should correspond to that taste. In blind tasting, the grape variety of red wine is also judged by aroma.

3. Flavor and aftertaste

The next step is to taste the red wine and evaluate it from the four dimensions of balance, complexity, layering and length of aftertaste. Balance refers to the perfect fusion of acid, tannin, alcohol, and sugar. If you taste it carefully, you can taste sour, sweet, astringent, and alcohol, but you will not feel that a certain taste is particularly prominent. In order to achieve a balance of taste.


LEESON wine 405 is delicate, soft, smooth and has a long aftertaste. For beginners, it is indeed a bit difficult to accurately assess the score of a red wine, but you have at least mastered a method of how to evaluate it. As a fan of LEESON red wine, I have the opportunity to communicate and get to know each other.