Xia Guojun from Minsheng Securities investigated Fang Yuncang Winery, the operator of LEESON wine

At the beginning of the new year in 2023, Xia Guojun, executive general manager of Minsheng Securities Co., Ltd., and Cui Xiaolong, business director of the debt financing department of Minsheng Securities Co., Ltd., visited and investigated the Guangzhou operation center of Yuncang Chateau to understand the business development of Yuncang Chateau and the winery. Online marketing methods similar to traditional businesses, and chatted with Jing Tao, chairman of Yuncang Chateau, and Suo Fengchao, head of supply chain of Yuncang Chateau.


According to Mr. Xia, this visit to Yuncang Winery is a field visit to Yuncang Winery. Minsheng Securities continues to pay attention to the new economy and big data, especially the normalized consumer goods market with stable growth. Yuncang Winery has developed its own software such as a warehouse-based dynamic inventory management system, an online purchase, sales and inventory system for dealers, and a multi-platform supply system. Yuncang Winery serves different customer groups through multiple brands and various sales methods. The general manager said that it is more valuable, which can effectively save the company's operating costs and capital occupation.

Xia Guojun and Cui Xiaolong are highly concerned about the recent business rectification work of Yuncang Winery. A company’s compliance operation is very important. In terms of new retail such as product integration with Internet stores and community sales, if you don’t pay attention, you may violate the regulations. Yuncang Winery It is not necessarily a bad thing that the winery has suffered losses in this regard, but in the long run, the rectification business is to be more standardized, more transparent, and more competitive, and the timely rectification of Yuncang Chateau was affirmed.


During the conversation between the two parties, a topic was brought up: Recently, information was spread on the Internet that industries such as academic training, liquor, finance, and funerals are prohibited from being listed on the market, which is a red-light industry; the products are relatively traditional such as food, home appliances, furniture, clothing, shoes and hats. 1. Mass consumer enterprises with low industry barriers, fast-moving catering chain business enterprises, stable operations but little room for growth are yellow-light industries, and listing or restrictions.

Yuncang Winery is a wine sales platform based on red wine. It has already launched liquor sales, and plans to launch a series of products such as beer, soda, whiskey, etc. The above news has brought great opportunities for wine companies to enter the capital market. Certainty, Yuncang Winery's multi-brand, multi-business approach, dynamic warehouse division, brand service and incubation, customized wine and other businesses are not limited to liquor, but a good division.


Jing Tao, the chairman of Yuncang Winery, said that it is very helpful for the development of the company to get the guidance of Mr. Xia Guojun. Mr. Xia and Cui Xiaolong are very experienced securities practitioners. The suggestions and guidelines put forward will help Yuncang Winery to develop in the future. It pointed out the direction and put forward higher requirements for Yuncang Winery. Recently, Yuncang Winery is undergoing rectification. Next, the customer repurchase rate will still be the first indicator. The orderly development of professional training creates the possibility for enterprises to enter the capital market.