Yuncang Winery adheres to the original intention and always implements "small profits but quick sales, earn less and sell more

With the development of the market economy, various economic phenomena emerge one after another. "Small profits but quick sales, earn less and sell more " is an economic phenomenon under the influence of market mechanisms. Yuncang Winery adopts the marketing strategy of "small profits but high sales, earn less and sell more " to look at the long-term interests. Small profits will increase market demand. This requires enterprises to have a certain production capacity and potential production capacity in order to ensure the supply of products. . If the production capacity of the enterprise is insufficient to meet the supply of products, it will leave room for competitors, thus affecting the long-term development of the enterprise. Therefore, Yuncang Winery combines its own production and management capabilities to meet the market demand caused by small profits but quick turnover when adopting the marketing strategy of "small profits but quick turnover , earn less and sell more " .


It is understood that Yuncang Winery is affiliated to Hainan Yuncang Winery Co., Ltd., which is an online sales platform for traditional wine business, and is a member unit of China Wine Association. Yuncang winery is a combination of cloud warehouse + winery, cloud warehouse delivery, winery experience, some of the traditional wine business is online, offline tasting is advocated, offline purchases are also possible, and online orders can also be placed (online orders are only for Order records and logistics inquiries do not support online payment, buyers need to find suppliers offline to pay themselves), can pick up goods in batches or ship them one by one according to the order, dealers do not advocate stockpiling except for display wine and basic inventory , flexible operation.

Compared with the traditional wine business, Yuncang Winery provides dealers with online services such as product display, ordering, statistics, and customer management, realizing the integration of online and offline sales business. Customers can experience in the physical winery, and can purchase on-site or online. Orders are shipped from the warehouse according to the order information, reducing multiple transshipments and saving costs, allowing consumers to enjoy more affordable prices.


The principle of "small profits but quick turnover" is suitable for all areas of enterprise management. As far as product sales factors are concerned, it can not only make products enter the buyer's market briskly, provide effective supply, serve the society, and generate comprehensive benefits for products, but also Promoting the full play of enterprise productivity, increasing production, accelerating capital turnover, and mobilizing production funds are effective management methods to increase enterprise profitability.

Yuncang Winery adheres to the original intention and always implements "small profits but quick sales, earning less and selling more ", and makes products enter the market as soon as possible by means of small profits but quick sales. Spread influence, increase popularity and application frequency, and establish market reputation and prestige . The "small profit" in "small profit but quick turnover" means price reduction, which can lead to "more sales", and "more sales" can increase total revenue. Under the situation that the sales market is likely to expand, Yuncang Winery lowers the price of the product by reducing the profit of the product , and the strategy of expanding sales at low prices and low profits will reduce the amount of profit the company can obtain from the product, but due to the sales volume The increase in the total profit can be increased.


Price is only one of the factors affecting product sales. Yuncang Winery closely combines the application of "small profits but quick sales, earning less and selling more" with improving product quality . As consumers, they pay more attention to product prices and more to product quality. People tend to compare the quality first, and then compare the price. In the market, many low-quality and low-priced products are uninterested, while some similar products with high quality and high price are rushed to buy. Yuncang Winery believes that quality is the foundation of enterprise survival and the life of products. On the basis of the same quality, low prices are of course welcome, but low prices that deviate from the basis of quality assurance can only lead to the demise of the enterprise. Only on the basis of improving product quality can enterprises attract more customers and realize small profits but quick turnover.