With online purchase, what exactly is a cloud warehouse + winery?

After understanding, Yuncang Winery is a company that sells wine. The traditional business of selling wine offline also supports online ordering, that is, you can pick up goods in batches, or entrust a dropshipping. You can buy offline as you like, and buy offline. Who is the supplier? Who is the online supplier? According to the traditional wine wholesale business, the wine sales platform that provides Internet online services has the same supplier as the traditional wine business. Compared with the traditional wine business, the online Online services such as product display, ordering, statistics, and customer management are consistent with offline business and online business.

Facing the new competitive environment, from inventory to distribution, from warehousing to logistics, traditional cloud warehouse operation management must evolve to generate new value. In the face of massive personalized demands, the driving force for the evolution of cloud storage is no longer purely from the supply side, and the demand side is becoming the "navigator" of supply chain innovation. Therefore, Yuncang Winery must have a stronger ability to respond in a timely manner, be able to quickly respond to market demand, and deliver better products and experiences to suppliers, so as to create a more advantageous Yuncang Winery brand.


Yuncang Winery has realized the integration of warehousing, distribution and transportation, created a flat supply chain, and improved the efficiency of warehousing and transportation. Reduce the resources of intermediate warehousing links and branch logistics warehousing, push them downwards, and increase the business of terminal logistics. Integrate scattered urban warehousing resources into virtual cloud warehousing to improve terminal delivery efficiency. Optimize storage resources through cloud computing and big data technology to improve utilization.

This means that Yuncang Winery can shorten the delivery time for us and improve the response speed of the supply chain. Under the Yuncang winery model, by forecasting sales and arranging inventory to the warehouse closest to the dealer in advance, the delivery time is shortened as much as possible, and the "order completion lead time" is shortened. The efficient mainline transportation capacity in the cloud warehouse system shortens the transportation time from the winery to the warehouse. According to the traditional wine wholesale business, it provides Internet online services, and can pick up goods in batches or send them one by one according to the order. Distributors do not advocate hoarding goods except for wine for display, and the operation is flexible.


Traditional warehousing is a single storage of goods, while distribution is a centralized distribution system of a single system. Yuncang Winery, on the other hand, uses big data to place orders, pick and deliver products at nearby warehouses, save logistics costs and improve delivery efficiency. Customers of Yuncang Winery can experience the physical winery offline, purchase and pick up goods on the spot, or place an order online and deliver the goods from the warehouse according to the order information. According to customer orders, it can pick up goods from different warehouses, or even match them nearby. Automated and intelligent equipment can improve the efficiency of goods picking, further improve logistics efficiency, and change the way of storage in the past. The final package is formed by order picking or automatic or manual picking. Compared with the traditional wine business, Yuncang Winery provides online services such as product display, ordering, statistics, customer management, etc. that are consistent with offline business and online business, and realizes the integration of online and offline sales business.


In addition to logistics efficiency, the customer consumption experience of Yuncang Winery mainly comes from three levels: marketing planning, product attributes and human customer service. Marketing information is the first level of customer experience. If the marketing plan does not meet the customer's aesthetics, customers will naturally not choose such a product. Products are the core and foundation of customer experience. Even if a company does well in other aspects, without products as the foundation, customer experience cannot be discussed. Customer service is a bridge connecting products and customers, and plays an important role in the communication and exchange of product services. Customer service experience runs through the entire consumption process such as pre-sales, sales, and after-sales. Relying on this "full service", Yuncang Chateau has further improved customer experience and is closer to the new retail connotation of "anytime, anywhere, casual" consumption.