Yuncang winery's brand LEESON red wine takes you to taste a variety of flavors

Each beam of light refracted by the prism is different. For individuals, each person's shining point is also different, which is their own personality. In nature, the cacti living in the desert, the eagle fighting in the sky, and the small fish swimming in the river all reflect the characteristics of different places. Individuals have their own characteristics, and society has its own ethos and distinct views.


The difference in the place of production sometimes also represents the difference in value. Sometimes the same product just has a different label, and the price may increase several times. But at the same time, it brings you different feelings. Some people think that they have bought a brand, and some people think that what they bought is a kind of trust, but more people pay attention to the coexistence of quality and price.


LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery takes you to taste a variety of flavors. First of all, in terms of quality, it carefully categorizes different varieties and production areas, so that consumers can clearly see red wines of different levels and prices. Let consumers choose independently. It enables consumers to better understand wine knowledge such as the place of origin and variety of wine in the process of choice, and form a benign consumption pattern, choosing in consumption and consuming in choice.


Secondly, from the point of view of the brand, Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine, celebrity endorsements, and CCTV advertisements have won word-of-mouth and consumer praise. The combination of external publicity and internal consumption has brought more benefits to LEESON red wine. room for considerable development. The LEESON brand wine series is also very honored to invite the famous director Mr. Zhang Jizhong as the brand spokesperson, which makes the overall brand weight and cultural heritage of LEESON red wine to a higher level.


Yuncang Winery belongs to Hainan Yuncang Winery Co., Ltd., which is an online sales platform for traditional wine business, and is a member unit of China Wine Association.

Yuncang Winery is a combination of Yuncang + Winery. It takes part of the traditional wine business online, supports offline business, and can also purchase online. You can buy online as you want offline, and provide Internet online services according to the traditional wine wholesale business . The goods can be picked up in batches or delivered one by one by the warehouse according to the order. The dealers do not advocate stockpiling except for wine for display, and the operation is flexible.


LEESON wine of Yuncang Winery , we can sit down together, drink a glass of LEESON red wine, and talk about the past, future, and life.