Yuncang winery's brand LEESON red wine 959 share red wine label

Red wine is a "label" feature, which makes it a target pursued by young people nowadays. As a daily drink, red wine is gradually entering people's lives. For example, when you buy a bottle of LEESON red wine 951 from Yuncang Winery , but you don't know how to taste it, it's a bit of a waste of money.


Red wine is a kind of culture, a kind of taste, but also a kind of fashion. A good wine must be highly identifiable and can reflect the characteristics of the place of origin or the grape variety, which is very important for judging its quality. When you drink a wine, you can judge it by the flavor of the wine What kind of grapes it is made from and what region it comes from.


Therefore, only by choosing a variety of red wines with multiple flavors is the real wine tasting. As the brand of Yuncang Winery that has been broadcast on CCTV and satellite TV, LEESON red wine adopts a blind tasting method, and the right to choose is given to consumers. Or, not only can drink taste, but also full of fun.

More importantly, the brand LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery is based on multi-supplier procurement in different countries, and provides consumers with a variety of tastes, such as blended dry red, single grape variety dry red, dry white, sweet white, brandy, etc. Flavored wine. So some red wines taste particularly sharp, which is because of the high acidity of red wine. Some wines taste hot or burn your throat because of the high alcohol content. And some wines will leave some bitterness or dryness in the mouth after tasting, which is the taste brought by tannins.


Among all kinds of wine, Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine is the most suitable for tasting. The reason is not that its alcohol content is not high, but that the flavor of the wine changes the most, and the relevant knowledge is also very deep and wide. Therefore, the taste buds The enjoyment on the table is the real wine tasting.

I love red wine and I am willing to share the knowledge of red wine and communicate with you.