The mellow LEESON red wine 321 takes you into the history of red wine

Beautiful mellow fragrance, romantic rose color, exudes an elegant atmosphere. Wine is a drink that many people like. The brand LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery will take you to understand the history of wine.


1. The budding period of wine

It is a symbol of Western civilization and plays a very important role in the history of human civilization. According to historical records, wine appeared around 7000-5000 BC. At the time, wine also had a place in medicine. Medical scientists at that time regarded wine as an important item for disinfection and sterilization; it is said that wine also has the effect of beautifying and beautifying the skin, so it was loved by the public.

The transitional period of wine

An integral part of the Christian communion during the Middle Ages, Christian monks successfully promoted the development of wine.

3. Maturity period of wine

When mentioning the development and growth of modern wine, we have to mention a city - France. France is known as the most romantic country in the world, so wine has also been endowed with a layer of romantic meaning.

In today's era, wine is recognized by almost everyone. Therefore, wine has naturally become an indispensable "atmosphere enhancer" for many occasions. You will see wine in grand commercial feasts; you will see wine in elegant and harmonious dance parties; in class reunions, wine is a frequent visitor; now many families bring wine to the table as a family drink; You also see wine when you visit relatives and friends...

Wine has a long history, so what kinds of wine do you know?


LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery is endorsed by the director Zhang Jizhong, and has been broadcast on major CCTV and satellite TV, and has been advertised in more than ten magazines, major news media and self-media platforms. You Any idea what kind of wine this is? Then this kind of wine with various promotional methods is " LEESON wine".

Yuncang Winery caters to the development of the society, uses Internet technology to realize online ordering, statistics, customer management, etc. in the traditional wine business, saves multiple transportations and sends orders directly to consumers according to the warehouse, and advocates small profits but quick turnover. Traditional wine sales enterprise. LEESON (LEESON) wine has created a series of wines with different consumption ranges and different tastes for consumers in different production areas. "Yuncang Winery is the seller of LEESON red wine". If you want to get goods at wholesale prices, or know about "traditional business online, brand wine wholesale prices", you can contact me at any time.