The colorful Yuncang winery brand LEESON wine tastes a variety of wonderful aromas

In many people's minds, wine is always associated with fashion. It is precisely because of this that more young people fall in love with wine. The expression of LEESON wine is never repeated, and the personality of the wine is colorful. Wine is alive. Each wine has a different taste and will slowly change over time... Of course it is important to note that there is something wonderful about wine regardless of price.


Different grape varieties produce different flavors of wine, and different grapes are selected for different types of wine. For example, the well-known Yuncang winery brand LEESON wine we know, the Cabernet Sauvignon has the aroma of green pepper and black berries, the Pinot Noir has the aroma of cherry and strawberry, and the Syrah is like black pepper and mulberry. aroma. Wine grapes differ from table grapes in that they are smaller, sweeter, have seeds, and have thicker skins. Generally speaking, these characteristics of brewing LEESON wine are more conducive to brewing high-quality wine.


Taste Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON 166 wine instead of swallowing it in one gulp. Instead, you should take a small sip of the wine and put it in the front of your mouth. Let the relevant parts of your tongue warm the wine, so that various aromas will slowly escape and gradually enter the mouth. Good environment. The taste buds on the tongue are divided into different sensitivities to various tastes. The tip of the tongue is more sensitive to sweet tastes, the base of the tongue is more sensitive to bitter tastes, and the sides of the tongue are more sensitive to sour tastes. When tasting, we try our best to let the wine flow on the tongue, so that we can fully experience the various tastes in LEESON wine.


Complex wines are generally brewed in oak barrels. After aging, wines develop complex flavors. After time, the wines have more complex and subtle aromas, and the entrance is more mellow and soft. This is one of the biggest charms of LEESON wines . one.


the LEESON red wine brand of Yuncang Winery , I have the opportunity to communicate and get to know each other.