Popular fashion, see the trend of the times from FENDI CLUB beer

The FENDI CLUB beer with the slogan "Fashionable Beer, Leading the Fashion" has recently started selling through distributors of Yuncang Winery. It can also lead the trend of the times.


In a certain era, with the popularity of a certain movie, the protagonist’s language, dress, and even the movie lens will become a topic; once upon a time, a certain food caused queues; there are legends about which dresses are imitated; Constantly affecting people's lives or habits, FENDI CLUB beer is positioned as a fashion beer, participating in people's lives with one of the fashion elements.


Fashion is people's admiration for a certain thing or behavior in the society. The "shang" here refers to a height or phenomenon. In today's society, it mostly refers to some popular things, including not only basic necessities of life, but also language habits, buzzwords, etc. , with the improvement of living standards, various fashion activities have also increased. In order to meet the various taste needs of guests, some activities will be served with beer. When choosing beer to match the theme of the event, not only the taste and grade, but also the brand tonality and positioning need to be considered , FENDI CLUB is a fashionable and international brand, advocating the interpretation of simplicity and atmosphere in a light and luxurious way. Under this positioning, FENDI CLUB beer for fashion activities seems to be a choice.

The fashion and trends of a period create the fashion sense of this era. Fashionable things can refer to anything in life, such as fashionable hairstyles, fashionable people, fashionable life, fashionable clothing, fashionable food, fashionable hotels, fashionable tourism, etc. Of course, it can also refer to fashionable beer. Food is often inseparable from wine, and light and luxurious meals need to be accompanied by suitable wine. FENDI CLUB beer aims at this positioning, combining beer with fashion, no matter in outing parties, talent activities, or fashion For the wine pairing in the restaurant, FENDI CLUB is participating in the role of fashionable beer.


FENDI CLUB currently launches three models of 1L craft beer, namely FENDI CLUB701 whole wheat beer, FENDI CLUB702 German style white beer, FENDI CLUB703 Belgian style white beer. It is understood that FENDI CLUB also plans fruity craft beer and small bottles Craft beer to meet different consumption needs.


The beer culture of FENDI CLUB is "fashionable and lively, relaxed and joyful". It not only has the positioning of fashionable beer, but also is relaxed and joyful. Toasting and drinking FENDI CLUB beer at fashion events may become a trend among young people.