Since selling is the main focus, why does Yuncang Winery advocate dealers not to stock up on goods?

The continuous development of the economic era is accompanied by various pressures. In the traditional wholesale industry, various phenomena will always occur, which may lead to a large inventory backlog. Among them, those industries that seem more traditional and complex are often more prone to the problem of stockpiling and causing a large inventory backlog, such as the wine industry.

Traditional liquor distributors do not have the resources and advantages to directly connect with manufacturers, so they are limited in getting goods and stocking goods. Various reasons lead to a lot of capital investment in opening a store. Inventory problems will inevitably affect cash flow and capital loans, which in turn will lead to defaults on accounts and a high bad debt rate. In short, one link is one link, from pipelines, inventory, funds to consumption atmosphere, the pressure brought by the multi-party combination makes many wine merchants breathless. Can online be used to make up for offline shortcomings, and can there be good opportunities for transformation and upgrading?

After understanding, Yuncang Winery is a company that sells wine. The traditional business of selling wine offline also supports online ordering, that is, you can pick up goods in batches, or entrust a dropshipping. You can buy offline as you like, and buy offline. Who is the supplier? Who is the online supplier? According to the traditional wine wholesale business, the wine sales platform that provides Internet online services has the same supplier as the traditional wine business. Compared with the traditional wine business, the online Online services such as product display, ordering, statistics, and customer management are consistent with offline business and online business.


Many start-up wine merchants, due to lack of funds or personnel, initially chose the "one dropshipping" business model. The advantages of this model are low price and quick start. Yuncang Winery provides Internet online services according to the traditional wine wholesale business. It can pick up goods in batches or send them one by one according to the order. The dealers do not advocate hoarding goods except for display wine, and the operation is flexible.

1. Low starting threshold.

One-piece drop shipping saves the inventory cost in the early stage, and stocking is usually an item that accounts for a relatively large part of the dealer's operating expenses. Distributors can take advantage of cost advantages to start their own sales plans earlier, without excessively occupying a large amount of funds, and can save more investment in promotion and some operating expenses.

2. Strong flexibility and low risk.

For dealers, it is very important to get market feedback early, especially in the early stage of product development and market expansion. Since the dropshipping model does not require dealers to digest inventory, even if it is necessary to adjust the layout of brand categories, there will be no potential financial risks and losses. It is suitable for dealers to conduct product testing and category expansion, and constantly adjust according to consumer feedback.

3. Simplify the procedure.

In the one-piece delivery model, Yuncang Winery is responsible for picking, packaging, and transporting the goods, which greatly simplifies the sales process for distributors. Dealers don't have to worry about inventory management, product packaging and other matters, and can spare energy to promote in marketing, buyer communication, online operations and other aspects.


The advantage of Yuncang winery dealers is that they don’t need to stockpile, that is, they don’t need to sort out inventory, so there will be no pressure on inventory, and they don’t need to go to the warehouse or other places to find the goods they store, and they don’t have to worry about themselves. There are too many products to wear and the backlog cannot be sold later.

The second is that the price of a dropshipped product from Yuncang Winery is relatively transparent, so you don’t have to worry about the problem of high prices, and you can also save the delivery time of the product, and the cost of express delivery can also be saved. Solve the financial pressure of dealers, save funds for pressing goods, warehouse rent, packaging material costs, manpower delivery and other funds.