Choose red wine, be unique! Drink personalized red wine

Just like France produces excellent wine, Japan's famous sake is undoubtedly sake. Therefore, when people taste Japanese food, they are used to thinking that Japanese food can only be served with sake. In fact, the cooking method that emphasizes the original taste in Japanese cuisine and the brewing process that follows the original taste of red wine have a common point of agreement to a certain extent . If they are well matched, it will also produce an effect of 1+1 greater than 2 .


Kaiseki cuisine is very famous in Japanese cuisine. The source is said to be that the monks in ancient times restricted food for penance. They burned stones until warm and held them in their arms to keep warm to resist hunger. . Today, kaiseki cuisine is not as simple as it was when it originated, but has become synonymous with Japanese high-end dining.

Taste a few pairings in the kaiseki menu . In one of the teppanyaki moments, it starts with a dish of "Gold Leaf Matsusaka Pork" . When the juicy and tender pork comes in front of you, it will melt in your mouth. At this time, it is perfect to choose a classic Italian red wine to match . Classic Italian red wine style , in order to increase the fragrance and complexity of easy drinking, it needs to be in contact with the peel again , and the second fermentation keeps the fruity mellow, and it will add a bit of patience when paired with kaiseki cuisine Aftertaste taste.


It is said that the feeling that red wine gives people is very subjective. No matter how good red wine is said by others, if you don't like its taste, it is useless. And what I think is "astonishing as a heavenly man" may be mediocre in other people's mouths. So, for red wine, personality is really important!

So have you ever thought about owning a personalized red wine? Sapai Red Wine, one of the main brands of Yuncang Winery, can provide exclusive customized services for red wine. Let consumers not only share brand resources, but also have their own exclusive model of red wine. It is reported that this service has provided high-standard exclusive red wine gift services for many enterprises, companies, and even chain beauty institutions.