Don't let your temperament be pulled by "TA"! Yuncang winery tells you what to do

Have you ever encountered such a situation: You dressed up carefully and went out to have a party with your friends. The party place is very high-end, but the moment you took out the red wine, the whole atmosphere suddenly turned cold...

 You are very good, you are very flattering, your manner and dress show your good taste, but you are "pulled" by a bottle of red wine. So, why not come to Yuncang Winery to have a look? As a well-known red wine promotion and sales platform in China, Yuncang Winery has recently launched a main brand "Sapai" red wine.


BOLD & GENEROUS Sapai brand, as one of the main red wine brands under Yuncang Winery, Chinese "Sapai" and English " BOLD & GENEROUS " highlight bravery, independence, chic, generosity and innovation. It coincides with the spirit of young people in the new era advocating individuality and independence.

At the same time, the current supply chain of Yuncang Winery is purchasing wines from many countries, which can provide a variety of prices and varieties of wine supply, while the Sapai brand will be mainly for personalized customization. You can completely own wine through Sapai wine. A high-quality red wine that belongs to its own model, is it still afraid of TA's "hip pulling"?


Any recommendations on imported red wine?

How about New World American red wine? In terms of the quality of red wine , you don't have to worry about the local wines produced in the United States being inferior to other wines. In fact, just as red wines from the Finger Lakes region of New York are exceptionally good , sparkling wines from New Mexico can be Champagne-like. The quality of American red wine represented by these two places and Napa, California is very stable and excellent.   

Winters in the interior of the United States are relatively cold, so most grape varieties originating in Europe are difficult to adapt to, but new grape varieties such as Taminer are exceptions. In addition, there is Norton , which is grown all over the United States . This grape variety, which was first discovered in Virginia, is very popular and widely planted in Missouri.

Don't let your temperament be "pushed" by red wine, find Sapai red wine to fix it!