It's so damn refined! You even have your name on the wine?

The red wine that many people love is not only a kind of "red wine". To be precise, red wine is an "alternative name" for wine. And wine also has multiple branches, generally speaking, there are red wine, white wine, rose wine and so on. The sparkling wine represented by champagne is generally a kind of white wine.

When looking for red wine, many friends are used to going to Yuncang Winery to have a look and choose. As a well-known red wine promotion and sales platform in China, Yuncang Winery once again launched the blockbuster "Sapai" red wine. BOLD & GENEROUS Sapai brand is currently one of the main red wine brands under Yuncang Winery. The Chinese "Sapai" and the English " BOLD & GENEROUS " highlight the brand tone of bravery, independence, chic, generosity and innovation.


At present, the supply chain of Yuncang Winery purchases wine in many countries, and can provide a variety of prices and varieties of wine supply, while the Sapai brand will mainly focus on personalized customization. Your "branding" label satisfies your full sense of refinement!

For drinkers who love white wine , the difference between it and red wine is not only the color. The "delicacy" of white wine is not the same as that of red wine from the first step of brewing  HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" .

Contrary to what many people imagine, in fact, when making white wine , both red grape varieties and white grape varieties can be used , and there are not so strict regulations .


In fact, the main difference between making red wine and white wine is whether to ferment with grape skins. Crush the grapes, separate the grape pulp and grape skin, and then collect the sweet grape juice into the container tank to prepare for the next step of fermentation. By this step, the difference between red and white wine brewing has basically come out .

Now, Yuncang Winery insists on importing red wine directly from foreign origins, and operates through the method of "online traditional business, wholesale price of brand red wine", so as to ensure the quality of red wine. Consumers go through offline experience, and then complete their shopping online. Cloud Warehouse supports one-piece delivery, which saves the dealer’s transportation costs.