A must have for bombing! Take your own red wine out on the street

What is it like to own a red wine that belongs only to you and has your own personality label?

In this vast world of people, mediocrity will lead to disappearing from all living beings. Everyone wants to be different and unique, so you must know about Sapai red wine, which supports the personalized customization of red wine.


As a large-scale red wine promotion and sales platform in China, Yuncang Winery has launched a flagship product, "Sapai" red wine. BOLD & GENEROUS Sapai brand, Chinese "Sapai" and English " BOLD & GENEROUS ", both highlight the brand tonality of bravery, independence, chic, generosity and innovation. At present, the supply chain of Yuncang Winery purchases wine in many countries, and can provide wine supply of various prices and varieties. The Sapai brand, which is mainly aimed at personalized customization and corporate group buying, will carry out personalization to the end!


Through the personalized customization of Sapai red wine, consumers can not only share brand resources, but also have their own type of red wine. It is used for customization by companies and enterprises, and it can also be used for customers, conference affairs, and employee benefits.

Whether in life or work, just like customizing a red wine, a certain action of yours may have a huge impact. An exclusive red wine conveys a personalized concept, and the grape juice will also become a real wine when it passes through the key fermentation process.

White wines are usually brewed at a lower temperature than red wines, as lower temperatures help preserve their fresh, fruity flavors. The higher the sugar content in the grape juice, the higher the alcohol content after fermentation. White wines are prone to discoloration, turning tan, etc. Therefore , the aging time of white wine is much shorter than that of red wine .

What kind of personality label do you want to use to customize a Sapa red wine that is exclusive to you?