LEESON red wine and food of Yuncang Winery

Food and wine have always been complementary to each other. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON wine sharing. When good wine meets food, it is as gorgeous as fireworks blooming. The aroma of wine and vegetables blooms in your mouth, and the wine and food are intertwined. Simply perfect. This feeling can only be experienced by oneself, it is indescribable, I can only tell you that a bottle of LEESON wine with full marks will definitely make your steak more tender and juicy.


Yuncang Winery belongs to Hainan Yuncang Winery Co., Ltd., which is an online sales platform for traditional wine business, and is a member unit of China Wine Association.

Yuncang Winery has moved the offline face-to-face sales of the traditional sales business to online, improving efficiency, reducing costs, making small profits but quick turnover, pursuing sustained and stable sales, and improving the satisfaction of dealers and customers.

When tasting wine, aroma is a very important part, and it is also a very difficult part for many friends, because these aromas are too complex, and many kinds of aromas are mixed together, and it is difficult to distinguish the various aromas.

For beginners, white wine in LEESON wine is easier to accept than red wine. The aroma of white wine is mainly fruity, and most of them have not been aged in oak barrels, so there will be no "oak taste" that is difficult to understand and appreciate. . White wine has no tannin, no annoying astringency, and one less dimension when tasting, which is easier to understand and identify.

Start with white wine, familiarize yourself with the floral and fruity aroma of wine, and get used to the acidity of wine, so that you can better accept the flavor of dry red. At this time, the difficulty of wine tasting is reflected, because it is not necessarily a good wine with strong aroma, heavy body and strong tannin, and there is no certain standard among them. And if you choose LEESON red wine, the minimum requirement is to make people drink comfortably. This sensory comfort is the balance of the wine. The sweetness is balanced by the acidity, and the tannin is supported by the body of the wine.


Friends who like wine, if you don’t have a clear choice, don’t worry, LEESON red wine entrusts Yuncang Winery to sell, and you can choose to buy it on this platform. Choosing a good wine can not only train our basic ability of wine tasting, but more importantly, it can help us establish correct wine values.

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