Haomai Baijiu pursues excellent quality and craftsmanship, and Yuncang Winery is its operator

When you understand the brewing method of Maotai-flavored Baijiu, you will be amazed. Such a complicated brewing process has achieved a cup after cup with a unique aroma and taste. It is rich in fragrance, mellow and delicate, smooth in the mouth, and long aftertaste. Impressive heroic sauce-flavored liquor.

"Life is bold, drink bold", it is known that Haomai Baijiu is a liquor brand under Yuncang Winery. In addition, it also owns Leisheng red wine (LEESON), Sapai red wine (Bold & Generous) and FENDI CLUB beer. The current liquor products of Haomai Baijiu are all sauce-flavored liquor brewed from pure grains using traditional brewing techniques.


Haomai sauce-flavored liquor is produced in Maotai Town, and the "12987" brewing process is a brewing process in Maotai Town. One of the steps says that the brewing of Maotai-flavored liquor needs to go through a cycle. According to Haomai Baijiu, the reason is because it is a fermentation process. During the brewing process, the starch is decomposed into sugar by the enzymes in yeast and koji, and then the sugar is fermented by the yeast to produce alcohol and carbon dioxide. This fermentation process takes a certain amount of time to complete.image.png

Maotai-flavored liquor is a traditional Chinese liquor, and its brewing process mainly includes the steps of koji cultivation, koji saccharification, and koji fermentation. Yuncang Winery Haomai Baijiu will tell you some basic information about the brewing and fermentation process of Maotai-flavored Baijiu:


1. Sake koji cultivation: firstly, it is necessary to cultivate koji, which is a starter containing a variety of microbial strains. Sake koji is mainly composed of yeast, koji mold and bacteria. In the process of cultivating koji, conditions such as temperature, humidity and ventilation need to be controlled to promote the reproduction of bacteria and the improvement of fermentation activity.

2. Saccharification of wine koji: Mix the cultured koji with rice, wheat and other grain materials, add an appropriate amount of water, and cook. The raw material after cooking will produce a certain amount of sugar, and the yeast in the sake koji will convert the sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide.

3. Fermentation of sake koji: cool the cooked raw materials to a suitable temperature, and then add the cultivated koji. During fermentation, yeast ferment sugars to produce alcohol and other organic compounds. Fermentation generally takes anywhere from a few days to several months, depending on the type of koji and the ingredients used.


The brewing process of liquor has been inherited and improved for a long time. The traditional liquor brewing process includes fermentation, distillation, storage and other links, and each link takes time to complete. These traditional brewing techniques make Haomai Baijiu more stable and durable. Liquor usually has a high alcohol content, generally above 40%. The alcohol content of Haomai Baijiu is 53%vol, which helps to inhibit the growth of bacteria and microorganisms, thereby prolonging the shelf life of the liquor.

Haomai Baijiu warmly reminds that regarding the storage environment, liquor needs to be stored in a suitable environment, such as avoiding light, moisture, and stable temperature. These conditions help baijiu retain its flavor and quality and prevent it from going bad.

Consumers have increasing demands for high-quality, unique and carefully crafted products, and Yuncang Chateau Haomai Baijiu knows that focusing on product ingenuity can meet these needs. By focusing on product ingenuity, you can build trust and reputation for quality, thereby enhancing brand value.

Pay attention to ingenuity, pursue excellent quality and craftsmanship, and take producing better wine products as our duty. Yuncang Winery Haomai Baijiu firmly believes that only a brand that pays attention to product ingenuity can stand the test of time, and that each bottle of Maotai-flavored wine can be brewed steadily to achieve a mellow taste.