The benefits of upgrading the third-party payment platform for Yuncang winery distributors

With the development and changes of the current industry, third-party payment has occupied an increasingly important position. Third-party payment is a third party between payers and payers. Therefore, for Internet payments, bank card receipts, and various funds All activities that rely on intermediaries, such as the transfer of money, are called third-party payments. During the transaction, you may encounter different types of buyers. They tend to choose different types of bank cards. The emergence of third-party payment can solve this problem. Buyers can choose their own payment methods on the payment interface.


It is understood that Yuncang Winery has started the merchant registration work of online mall dealers in third-party payment companies. At present, Yuncang Chateau online mall has opened the merchant registration entrance of Yifutong third-party payment, and requires the distribution of external sales products merchants, an independent merchant registration is required.

Yuncang Winery belongs to Hainan Yuncang Winery Co., Ltd. Yuncang Winery owns three major brands, including LEESON, Bold & Generous and HOMANLISM. Yuncang Winery is a combination of Yuncang + winery. Cloud warehouse delivery, winery experience, the traditional wine business is online, and offline tasting is advocated. Offline purchases can also be placed online, and can be picked up in batches or by order. Orders are shipped one by one, and dealers do not advocate hoarding except for wine for display and basic inventory, and the operation is flexible. It is a sales platform that transforms the traditional liquor business online, and is a member unit of the China Alcoholic Drinks Association.


Yuncang Winery believes that the characteristics of fast, convenient and low-cost third-party payment provide great support and guarantee for distributors’ wine transactions. At the same time, it also fulfills various needs for consumers. The completion of other activities or transactions by the three-party payment channel or payment to the third-party payment platform can be easily realized at a lower cost. Since the third-party payment is positioned as an intermediary, there will be no business overlap in the cooperation between Yuncang Winery and distributors and consumers. Through cooperation with third-party payment platforms, distributors can not only easily provide services for consumers Provide a variety of payment options, and can also save the time of frequent communication with the bank.


Since the amount of user information and transaction amount in the third-party payment platform need to be supported by a sufficiently secure platform, transaction security is an issue that all users and enterprises are most concerned about. The security of the third-party payment platform itself, coupled with the powerful The data accumulation provides support for the security of its platform.

The business registration of dealers on the third-party platform this time is provided by Yifutong (Beijing Hengxintong Telecom Service Co., Ltd.), and Yifutong is the service brand of Beijing Hengxintong Telecom Service Co., Ltd. Service projects, mainly engaged in professional services of public utility bill payment. Beijing Hengxintong Telecom Service Co., Ltd. is a professional company under the former China Netcom Beijing Telecom Industry Group Corporation, with "Yifutong" as its service brand, engaged in public utility bill payment services , through the third-party payment platform in various ways such as the Internet, terminal pos machine, mobile client, bill withholding, etc., Yifutong has rich experience and provides overall solutions for the independent account business of Yuncang Chateau dealers and merchants.


Of course, in addition to strong system support, with the development of third-party payment, more financial security needs to rely on financial supervision, government supervision and industry supervision. Under the supervision and management of strong supervision, coupled with the internal Management, jointly build a transaction safety net. Generally speaking, the dealers of Yuncang Chateau registered with the merchants of the third-party payment company this time, which greatly facilitated the various needs of dealers in the process of buying and selling transactions and banks.