Yuncang Winery cleverly uses "one dropshipping" to allow dealers to reduce operating costs

The dropshipping model mainly solves the problem of selling products for sellers who have not established storage capacity. After the seller signs a contract with a third-party manufacturer or wholesaler, the third-party logistics will deliver the goods directly to the end buyer. In a dropshipping model, the seller only needs to be responsible for selling as a dealer and earn the price difference, and the consumer does not need to bear various fixed costs such as manpower and space after placing an order.

It is understood that Yuncang Winery is affiliated to Hainan Yuncang Winery Co., Ltd., which is an online sales platform for traditional wine business, and is a member unit of China Wine Association. Yuncang winery is a combination of cloud warehouse + winery, cloud warehouse delivery, winery experience, some of the traditional wine business is online, offline tasting is advocated, offline purchases are also possible, and online orders can also be placed (online orders are only for Order records and logistics inquiries do not support online payment, buyers need to find suppliers offline to pay themselves), can pick up goods in batches or ship them one by one according to the order, dealers do not advocate stockpiling except for display wine and basic inventory , flexible operation.

Compared with the traditional wine business, Yuncang Winery provides dealers with online services such as product display, ordering, statistics, and customer management, realizing the integration of online and offline sales business. Customers can experience in the physical winery, and can purchase on-site or online. Orders are shipped from the warehouse according to the order information, reducing multiple transshipments and saving costs, allowing consumers to enjoy more affordable prices.


1. What are the benefits of Yuncang Winery dropshipping?

1. There is no pressure on inventory, so you don't have to worry about being unable to sell and overstocking.

2. The prices are open and transparent, and if you have any questions, you can give feedback to the supplier in time.

3. There is no need to be spontaneous, save the cost of express delivery, and can solve various problems. Basically, it is the model of lazy shopkeepers.

4. As long as a consumer places an order, the order can be submitted to Yuncang Winery for fast delivery.

2. Can dropshipping be promoted locally to increase sales?

One dropshipping can be done locally to increase sales, because one dropshipping itself has no cost , so the pressure to increase sales is less, so doing local push to increase sales can also help merchants bring up the business faster. Passenger flow, so that after there are real orders, the conversion will be faster.

3. What is the difference between commodity distribution and dropshipping?

1. Different procurement methods

Commodity distribution is similar to wholesale, that is, distributors need to place orders to purchase and stock up. And a dropshipping is to purchase products from suppliers in the form of consignment sales, so you don't need to take the goods back and store them yourself, and the goods are still in the supplier's warehouse.

2. Different delivery methods

In fact, from the perspective of purchasing form, we can understand that distributors need to stock up on goods, and they need to deliver goods to customers when they have orders. And a drop shipping is directly transferred to the supplier after there is a list, and the supplier will deliver the goods.

3. Different storage methods

Since the distributors wholesale the goods to their own warehouses and stock them up, the inventory of the goods is controlled by the distributors themselves. The inventory of a drop shipping is synchronized with the inventory of Yuncang Winery , and the dealer does not need to worry about insufficient inventory .

4. The ownership of the goods is different

After the distributor purchases the goods, he has ownership of the goods and can dispose of them at will. The consignment agent has the right to sell, and the ownership of the goods is still in the hands of the supplier.


Yuncang Winery provides Internet online services according to the traditional wine wholesale business. It can pick up goods in batches or send them one by one according to the order. The dealers do not advocate hoarding goods except for display wine, and the operation is flexible.

1. The start-up threshold of Yuncang Winery is low

One-piece drop shipping saves the inventory cost in the early stage, and stocking is usually an item that accounts for a relatively large part of the dealer's operating expenses. Distributors can take advantage of cost advantages to start their own sales plans earlier, without excessively occupying a large amount of funds, and can save more investment in promotion and some operating expenses.

2. Yuncang Winery has strong flexibility and low risk

For dealers, it is very important to get market feedback early, especially in the early stage of product development and market expansion. Since the dropshipping model does not require dealers to digest inventory, even if it is necessary to adjust the layout of brand categories, there will be no potential financial risks and losses. It is suitable for dealers to conduct product testing and category expansion, and constantly adjust according to consumer feedback.

3. Simplified procedure of Yuncang Winery

In the one-piece delivery model, Yuncang Winery is responsible for picking, packaging, and transporting the goods, which greatly simplifies the sales process for distributors. Dealers don't have to worry about inventory management, product packaging and other matters, and can spare energy to promote in marketing, buyer communication, online operations and other aspects.


By moving the traditional wine sales business to the Internet, Yuncang Winery provides convenient online services such as product display, ordering, statistics, and customer management. Multiple shipments, small profits but quick turnover, and the establishment of an operating system that pursues long-term and stable repurchase by customers.