What does a maverick wine look like? Sprinkle red wine to tell you

Unique voice and neutral dress, for fans who love singer Pan Meichen, her maverick image and temperament can always leave a deep impression on people! Popular songs such as "I want to have a home" and "I used to love you with my heart" made Pan Meichen's aloofness and personality charm deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Therefore, when Pan Meichen successfully signed a contract with Yuncang Winery and became the image spokesperson of Sapai Red Wine, one of the main brands of Yuncang Winery, Sapai Red Wine's personality, independence, innovation, and brave brand tonality quickly attracted the attention of wine consumers. built up in the mind.


Especially young people like things that are unique and show their individuality. The wine is sprinkled red wine; the food is probably Sichuan cuisine.

Sichuan cuisine is the taste of dishes that are popular in Sichuan Province and some surrounding areas ! Its main feature is that it has a variety of flavors. It makes good use of condiments such as chili, pepper, pepper, and bean paste. It is mainly spicy, and its refreshing and spicy flavor is quickly becoming popular among young people.

As a reference for food pairing, the red wine that is suitable for Sichuan cuisine should try to choose sweet or semi-dry wine, and sweetness can be used to cover up part of the spicy taste . Or use a spicy red wine to counter the spiciness of the dish. In addition , the fruity aroma of red wine is the second factor that needs to be considered. Although Sichuan cuisine is delicious, its spicy taste will destroy the fruity aroma of red wine to a certain extent , so you should try to choose red wine with strong fruity aroma .


Sichuan cuisine has unique flavors, so how about the unique Sa Pai red wine? BOLD & GENEROUS Sapai brand is currently one of the main red wine brands under Yuncang Winery. It focuses on the brand tonality of bravery, independence, chic, generosity and innovation. Advocating the tone of individuality, independence and innovation!

Now, Sapai Red Wine has also launched personalized customization services, allowing consumers to share brand resources and at the same time have their own models, vowing to carry out the "maverick" style to the end!