LEESON red wine with the famous director Mr. Zhang Jizhong as the spokesperson

LEESON red wine starts with the development of reputation, and invites the famous director Mr. Zhang Jizhong as the brand spokesperson to promote the brand and establish brand products. From advertising promotion, let more people understand LEESON red wine in depth, and promote it through multiple channels such as CCTV, magazines and the Internet to cover more consumers.


From the development of important word-of-mouth among consumers, let consumers choose by themselves, and from the eyes of consumers, we can also show the excellence of our LEESON red wine. A unique red wine can attract the attention of consumers the most. Every consumer's appeal is the direction that our red wine needs to listen to and improve. We consider the needs of consumers from all aspects and multi-faceted, and win a double harvest of brand reputation.

Considering the current development, the current LEESON red wine has a good market demand among the majority of red wine lovers and consumers who are new to red wine. Many friends come here especially for the name, looking for a red wine that suits their own taste. LEESON red wine also satisfies consumers and encourages consumers to customize their favorite high-end red wine.


Looking forward to the future development prospects, LEESON red wine still has a large consumer market, and now the multi-series of red wine attracts a large number of people to taste. LEESON Red Wine considers the expansion of the consumer market and consumption prospects, and will continue to update the wine-making equipment according to the changes of the times. In order to be closer to the popularity, we will seek the demands of all major consumers, so as to better promote the upgrading of our LEESON Red Wine .

Yuncang Winery belongs to Hainan Yuncang Winery Co., Ltd., which is an online sales platform for traditional wine business, and is a member unit of China Wine Association.

Yuncang Winery is a combination of Yuncang + Winery. It takes part of the traditional wine business online, supports offline business, and can also purchase online. You can buy online as you want offline, and provide Internet online services according to the traditional wine wholesale business . The goods can be picked up in batches or delivered one by one by the warehouse according to the order. The dealers do not advocate stockpiling except for wine for display, and the operation is flexible.


From all aspects, each series of LEESON red wine is multi-numbered and multi-series red wine. Tasting a kind of extreme red wine, it has not entered the throat, but it is already mellow and fragrant, and it has not yet been tasted. It has already revealed an extraordinary taste and has a special flavor . A kind of edification, like enjoying a sunbath with music, especially when the whole family is in a happy situation, take out a bottle of LEESON red wine, let relatives and friends get together, increase the world of communication, and the best choice for relatives and friends to enhance friendship.

Seeing the all-round development of LEESON red wine, people can't help but be amazed. His development step by step, based on the present and looking forward to the future, is a beautiful scene.